i usually rearrange alone....by choice, mind you.
i brought in this old hose reel, plucked from the garden......to sit on top, for a more industrial look.....and added a plant plopped into a galvanized bucket.
i then removed everything from the hutch......and arranged a carefully folded pile of some of my favorite white and cream blankies........i worked in a quilt store years ago.... the very first job i had after being a stay-at-home-mommy for 13+ years.......where i got lots of practice in how to artistically fold a blankie and shmooz with country music stars.
creamy crockery (use an english accent while saying that...it sounds much better, doesn't it?)
i brought in a white trellis from the garden too.
i also, switched out the chairs at the little farm table......the brown tones announcing the drought laden gardens and colors of the late summer harvesting......
and i added this milk crate with dried whatcha-ma-call-its.....sorry i can not recall the name of this plant! but i do recall that it is the plant, minus the dried heads, from which brooms are made....anybody know the plant? anybody....it is so beautiful.
the folding chair and,
i have had this hutch for over 25 years......one of the first antiques i ever bought.
i have thought about painting him many times, but i am glad i did not.......having a dark piece in a room really "grounds" the room.
the heavy old desk chair wears this cool metal plaque on its back......i imagine it was used during WW11......the stories it could tell.
it is those quirky details that give a house its soul....
that, and the quirky people who live there.
i strive to be quirky.
i am joining these parties..
thanks ladies!
Erin, your large grounding piece that you have had for 25 years is quite wonderful in the room. Your images are splendid as usual. olive
Just gorgeous! I love all the whites and your cabinet.
I am jealous you worked in a quilt shop and hung out with the stars!
quirky you are sweetheart, quirky you are! All the more reason for me to keep coming back...
Just perfection dear girl- so thought out, yet looks like it evolved so naturally.
Are we having fun? you and me and our sliders...
The quilt shop downtown? with the fab button collections? Been there. WOOT!
It all looks wonderful Erin.
Serenity. That's what your home conjures up for me. Peace and serenity. x
me again...forgot to say
Just put my milk bottle carrier I got from my dad in the kitchen this am...but yours with the "?" looks better...
Kindred spirits .....
Oh Erin,
Those milk bottles in that basket is to die for. Gorgeous hut with those delicious looking blankets tucked neatly inside. beautiful glimpse inside your home.
So, I repeat myself, you are gifted. I'm absolutely in LOVE with the old hose reel. LOVE IT! Also, I have the same trellis. Maybe I should paint mine white, hmmmmm. Food for thought. And the little desk chair, so great.
I am loving this room and all the details!! Love the garden reel - very sculptural, industrial and garden all at once. Simple lines, huge impact. And the cabinet - so very glad you didn't paint it. Although I love many a painted furniture, this piece is beautiful just as she is!!
Sliders?! Oh yes! They must have been designed by a woman such as ourselves or a man who would rather not help the wife move the same cabinet around the room at least 8 times. Yep, use them here on a VERY regular basis. The standing joke is "how many laps did the furniture take today?"
Have a grand weekend!
"Her" and Romeo
Love how your white linens show up against the darker wood! Also like the industrial elements that bring the edge to your decor!
I love it all Erin. It is an incredibly serene room. It must be wonderful to spend time there.
I like your style Erin...wow your home is so beautiful decorated !!..like that cabinet....pure and natural !!...no white paint on it !! so good of you !!...love love Ria...xxx...
QUIRKYNESS is what I live for. I cannot be the same...I have to be QUIRKY!!!! AND you my dear, have an eye for the best arrangements and color schemes. I am talented in many areas, but color is one area I have trouble with!!! You create a MOOD. THAT IS WHAT IS IMPORTANT. Some people create a mess, a scene with too many things, but you create a mood of AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. That is a gift.
I SO agree that having that one mellowed wood piece warms a room. Beautiful arrangement!
I totally get the rearranging all by yourself frame of mind. :@
Very pretty!
Sorry - I don't know the name of the plant either.
Enjoy your weekend.
Love everything about this post! The cabinet is dreamy, especially with the dreamy whites in it.
I love, love, love how you are able to add blues and browns to your white palette. Everything looks so beautiful. Even the dried grasses look gorgeous in those old milk bottles. If I did that, the folks around here would wonder why I had dead plants sitting around. :) The cabinet looks great in that space. And the wooden chairs at the white table are fabulous. Have a wonderful weekend. Tammy
Beautiful Erin,
YOU TOO ???? YOU TOO get teary-eyed with that fabulous piece of music?
What was he thinking, huh?
Dear Erin
Following right behind dear Anita. What you create is perfection.. Simplicity at it's best.. The plant.. It looks so familiar but cannot think of the name. Big help I am.. teehee.
Thank you for sharing your beauty.
Quirky is great! Love all of your wonderful treasures. And, I love the earthy colors for Fall.
Thanks so much for your visit Erin. Birds are amazing yes? I too love to birdwatch. Early morning is my favorite time.
See you next week
I love the hose reel. I would not have guessed that is what it was. I also like your blend of the dark woods and metals. Stop by and check out my blog.
Not quirky at all just adds character. No need to paint that cabinet when the wood is that beautiful.
I think they just call it broom grass. My FIL used to grow it. I'll ask hubby to look.
I love every idea you have. It all looks just wonderfully and perfectly put together yet so cozy and effortless.
I see that you are from Franklin. I live in Tullahoma which is a little over an hour from you.
So nice to visit in your beautiful home. Fixing to do some more looking around.
God bless, Amy
What a gorgeous room and the shots are fantastic!
Can't wait to browse through your blog.
Deliciously textural and quirky, while still clean and totally fresh! I'm a new follower, and I can't wait to see more.
Revi @ revisionarylife.blogspot.com
I love your hutch. And all those pretty quilts and coverlets love the whites. I have to agree with you about the hutch and not painting it. I too have a piece in almost every room that is not painted and you are right it does ground the room.
Hi Erin, this cupboard is wonderful, a piece that definitely needs to stay the dark wood. This is such a comfortable homey room. Love all the details...quirks... that it has. Thanks so much for linking up with VIF, xo Debra
I love it all...but that cabinet is my most favorite!! I love the color and I love the linens inside...all of the other touches are great, too!
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