feeling restless yesterday....

we took off for a drive through the country. we had not traveled far...

when i spotted this cheerful white weed, merrily dancing across the field.

it turns out.
it was just what i needed.
i go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
Very Pretty ! Great picture - thanks for sharing.
Suppose to be great "pictures" - I will learn to type and think at the same time one of these days.:-D
Enjoy your evening.
Very pretty! The texture you used makes the photos look even dreamier!
Beautiful fields...great photos and textures! Nature's beauty is so calming and restores my soul too!
Hope you have a good week ahead! :)
Nature has a wonderful way of soothing your soul. gorgeous captures.
You certainly live in the best part of the country in which to soothe the soul.
Sounds like a good day.
oh my, erin. there is so much lovely here. gotta catch up on your blog and savor more of its goodness!
Lovely! I love the canvas texture!
Beautiful......so silence and green......love from me...xxx...
ERIN!!!! My goodness, your countryside is glorious my dear! AND...on your sidebar, I see some blue bubbles that I SAW AND PICKED yesterday from Pinterest...but now I see them here and REMEMBER that they are YOURS!!! On the Pinterest board, there was no name of the photographer.....well then, may I ask permission to use these with a link to your name and blog? I saw them on AQUA VELVA pinboard.....
Have a soothing day, Anita
What beautiful pictures of the countryside. Yesterday hubby and I rode our motorcycles through the country. It is so relaxing and beautiful .
So beautiful Erin. I love taking drives to see what I can see when I am feeling restless, it really does soothe the soul.
Beautiful pictures!!! What a lovely countryside to escape to.
So peaceful, so tranquil...
Oh, sigh, just fantastic, a dreamy country memory. Thank you!!
So beautiful! And I couldn't agree with you & John Burroughs more ♥
Gorgeous pics! I love going on Sunday drives and seeing the serene settings.
The canvas look is beautiful!
Gorgeous pics! I love going on Sunday drives and seeing the serene settings.
The canvas look is beautiful!
such wonderful shots .... love the texture! Well done!
This just made my day! These pictures are wonderful Erin! Thank you so much for sharing!
Such beauty...I just want to jump into your photos. xoxoxoxox Hugs
Beautiful place for peace!! I love gardening too.Your blog is very interesting!
bravo! Kisses from Greece.
When I'm away, I always look forward to catching up with your blog. There's always something dreamy here.
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