one of the duties, as the gardener to this particular property, is to keep this beautiful espalier looking good.

combined out of 11 bradford pear trees and trained into a living fence...

installed 6 or 7 years ago (can't remember) and underplanted with hosta...,,,,

it borders one corner of the pool area......

it grows like crazy and needs a haircut about every three weeks! see that wheelbarrow there? i call that "my office". i have included this photo with the 5 foot ladder, to show scale and YES i have to stand on the TOP rung of the ladder to reach the top of the espalier (don't do this at home). can you picture me up there, in my stylish wellies and vintage apron and hair in braids?? ya, right......
although, i DO wear my hair in braids.

at what age, is it too old to wear braids?

or teeter at the top of a ladder?

not a bad place to work, eh?
i love my job.
i hope Hurricane Irene doesn't wreak too much havoc on YOU......
evacuating NY City?? unheard of. oh my.
I am swooning over all these pictures!
We are just now starting to get wind and rain so I had better hurry or my power is going to go!!
What a pretty garden - you are very creative!!
I had to give up ladders many years ago.
Enjoy your weekend.
I shudder to think of you on the top rung of that ladder. Could you get a larger ladder? The garden around the pool is splendid.
Please be careful! I've only stood on the top of a ladder to paint. You know that "daredevil" feeling when you step up on the top where it says "DO NOT STAND". We are such risk takers. ;-) I love espaliers. I've always wanted one. I hope you take a picture of it in the Fall. I bet it's beautiful!
You can never be too old to wear braids! :) Gorgeous gardens...beautiful place to work...but not easy!
Daughter Kate is in the midst of evacuating from NYC...will be happy when I know she is in a safe place. Stay well! :)
What a wonderful garden to take care of. I have always wanted to do the same with our fruit trees but did not get the chance so I will enjoy your pictures.
One is never too old to wear braids my friend!
Not a bad place at all to work! gorgeous breathing space!
Breathtaking lucky, you! By the way, do you sell those beautiful paintings?
I hope everything is ok with the people of new york and the rest from America.......what a terrible news.....enjoy your sunday...love from me...xxx....
WOW. I can't make my font large enough to show my enthusiasm over your GORGEOUS, PERFECT, BEAUTIFUL GARDEN!!! YOWSA!!!!
Dearest, THANK YOU for such kind and encouraging words! YOU encourage ME! May the rest of this YEAR be one of new possibilities and accomplishments and love.....WOWO......I can't get over your pool area...Anita
Oh my! What an absolutely beautiful yard! You are an amazing gardener! Love your office!
We're waiting for the storm to hit tomorrow! I'll be hiding downstairs in the playroom or laundry room!
Beautiful! I wish you were in Southern Calif. I'd love for you to take care of my garden. We are watching for the news of Irene. Hope it doesn't affect you too much.
What a beautiful "fence"!
You could use a taller ladder though.
So beautiful and green...love it!
absolutely beautiful! And it's never too late to wear your hair in braids!
Oh so lovely... If you lived closer I'd hire you in a heartbeat!
You are NEVER to old to wear braids!
What gorgeous work you do!! Be careful on the ladder.
Oh you really do have my dream job Erin...all but the ladder climbing stuff. However, I don't even get all the chores done in my garden I want to do.
I love that living fence. And it would be worth all the trimming to have one too.
Never too old for braids my dear. Especially when you look as cute in them as you do!
I love your "office" lol .... what a wonderful job! Great pics!
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