for birdwatching, that is...and for feathering my nest.
the holidays are now packed away, in boxes and blurring memories....gone is my christmas tree which stood in this bay window....replaced by an old chippy dresser and fresh greenery...how did God know that green would go with everything?

i start every day here, gazing out the window and watching for little feathery friends flitting by.

besides being adorable to look at...
they have that whole FLYING thing goin on...pretty amazing really.

i dream of flying.

nine years ago, i turned (the wrong way) to pick up a three year old boy who was charging at me for a big hug....i never refuse hugs....ever since, i have suffered on and off with complications from a bulging disk in my back....and now, is one of those times when the pain and pinching has me reeling! mr. dan gave me strict instructions to lay down all day and relax my muscles.

not one to lie down much, as soon as he was off chasing that little white ball on the golf course, i got out my ladder and hung these cute white curtains that i found at an estate sale this week....just tacked them up with push pins...love how they hide the window framing and soften the view....the branch cut from my curly willow tree and hung above, adds an organic feel and echoes the beautiful bare winter trees that i see outside.

i used these small wreath frames as tie backs.

and hung these delicate glass birds from the branch.

if you look closely at this photo, you might notice the cayenne pepper shaker on the lower right on the table.....as a "recovering perfectionist" i have left that "less than perfect" image in here on purpose...
although i am cringing a little...
hey, it's an ongoing process!
i am baby stepping.

a sweet homage to the little birdies...i fashioned the cage out of craft wire.

and look outside on the deck...yellow flowers blooming in january!! winter jasmine trying to make a show just for me. thank you.

my mantel has a new look too....as you may have noticed in my new header...the little birdie paintings are some that i have been working on.... from photos i took of these "dark eyed junco's" that passed through a few winters ago....darling little black and grey tweeties....i just love the look of birds sitting on bare branches.

i loved the look of my bottle collection under cloches at christmas time, so i have moved them here, minus the vintage ornaments....the white cones with wistful grass in them, blend with the browns in the stone fireplace.

the blue of the bottles is so soft and wintery.

reminds me of the blue in an iceberg.

although i have added very wintery photos to my sidebar, it has been unseasonably warm here (60's and 70's!) we have had our doors open! i love winter and snow and really look forward to the february snow, predicted by the "farmers almanac". winter is a good time for birdwatching and nesting and resting (my back, yikes) and healing the body and soul and painting sweet little birds and branches and dreaming of spring gardens and making goals for the year....

i hope you are dreaming and goaling (word??)...it's a new year and the possibilities are endless.
if a tiny bird can make a nest out of twigs, then just think what YOU can accomplish.
i am off to lie down now, as mr. dan is on his way home, and i don't want to get caught.
he he