i met her at the farm, where she keeps her horses and i took over 300 snaps of the gorgeous creatures. i have been painting like crazy lately and primarily focusing on horses......my goal is to have my very first art show, this fall.
did i just say that out loud??
"this fall" is like right around the corner!
oh boy, that makes it seem even more real.
it makes me feel both excited and scared.......but in a very good way....
the thing is though, in order to balance out my time, i fear i will not be blogging as usual. i plan on posting (i can not help it), but commenting around takes up valuable time that i must use.....
to court my muse.
i hope you understand.
in ellen's, to die for, screened in porch.
a taste of what is to come....

and so please excuse....
me for just a while......
while i work on making my dreams come true.........
oh my goodness!!!!!
i am dying here.
since i started this post this afternoon,
since i wrote "making my dreams come true", and i kid you not about this......
i have received a call from my neighbor/artist/ friend.....
she will be picking up some of paintings in the morning to hang them in a shop called Just Around The Corner.......in downtown Franklin.......turns out my cute little town is having its very first art crawl tomorrow night!!!
and I (yes, little ol ME) will have paintings hanging there for everyone to see!!!
this is another first for me!
i am so excited......
o.k. gotta go tweak a few things and put my signature on my babies!!!
double gulp!!
thank the powers that are greater than me,
for this most amazing gift.
ask and ye shall receive.
You are so in flow right now... you're obviously doing exactly what you should be doing. You're paintings are magical, and beautiful, so sign those babies and get them out there..., but save your very special favorites for yourself...
Yay!! Congratulations, Erin. Your paintings are so beautiful. I'm glad you're getting them out there for everyone to see. Oh, I love, love, love horses too...so I can't wait to see more horse pictures and paintings.
Tricia :)
Congrats! Your paintings are beautiful. You are so artistic and I see you put so much thought into your work.
I love the the pics of the porch ... I could sit there all day!
So happy for you!!!!
hugs dear and enjoy this moment!!!
Love the drippy candles! Good luck at the art show, hope you get some buyers....yours, Laura
Hurray!!! Yay Erin! You deserve all things good and blessed AND your work does need to be out in the world! Lovely!
Oh, and are those grey candles? They look so cool.
What a great news !!! Erin !!...wishing you all the luck of the world......God is great and you too....love love love from me...xxx.
Oh Erin, those gray candles are stunning as your HORSE EYE!!! You capture their allure so well my dear. AND you make anything, anywhere so ENCHANTING...carry on my friend, YOU ARE SO TALENTED! Anita
Congratulations!! Hope you sell them all ! :D Sounds like you have some busy and exciting times ahead.
Great shots of the porch.
Congratulations-I am happy for you too!
I love that porch!!!
Have a great weekend,
I LOVE this post. That horses eye is breathtaking. Your friends Ellen has a magical place and you have captured it so beautifully. I wish you all the joy and happiness and success on your new venture. Keep us posted.
CONGRATULATIONS! Art Crawls are such fun and I'm glad your town is having them now.
I'm adoring how the candles have melted so exquisitely around the lovely candleholders... simply enchanting these scenes are!
Dawn... The Bohemian
there's room enough in your dreams for everything your heart desires. there are no rules for blogging...."true" friends don't require a constant stream of posts and comments, rather, they look forward to those moments when you share with us. i will always be here.....whenever you have the time. i won't forget you if you won't forget me. Bonne chance on this most wonderful adventure you are on to follow your dreams. looks like they're already starting to come true! ;)
Oh, Congratulations, Erin!!!!! You truly deserve this recognition - and I know that you will be very successful at these shows. Your time has arrived, sweetie! Now...shine!!! :) Hugs and love ~
xoxo laurie
Best wishes,Erin. I always enjoy visiting your blog;it's so lovely! May your artistic dreams come true! Have fun with it! :-)
I'm obviously late to the news! How exciting. I bet you'll sell lots of paintings! Keep us posted on how it goes. I'll miss your sweet messages. Hope you paint up a storm!
Oh my goodness. I am so happy for you. I know you will do well. Your work is exceptional Erin. You know I'm a big fan...have been for a long time.
I am grinning from ear to ear!!!!
bug hugs,
ps.....I need to stop cleaning up my candle drips
Congratulations! I missed this post cause two gals I follow are doing pop ups again and you got lost in the shuffle. SEE why I DETEST POP UPS? sigh
Anyhoot, that is wonderful news, I'm sure you were a smash. These "Old" friends of yours always knew you could do it, you just had to believe. It's wonderful news, just wonderful.
Dear Erin
You have no idea how excited I am for you! Of course... carry on! You are such an amazing artist...
I believe this is your time my friend.. Enjoy!
I will keep you in my thoughts.
I KNOW it will be a huge success. HUGE. So very happy for you. xo – g
Erin, congrats to you for getting in the art crawl and I wish you loads of inspiration for your current works. I am looking for a piece for my sons wedding present...do you have pieces for sale after the art crawl?
Congratulations Erin, I am so happy for you!! I hope all goes well and you can spread your wings and make your dreams come true.
Your photos of the farm are beautiful as well, what an amazingly gorgeous place.
Hi Erin,
Congratulations! Your work is beautiful. I'm sure everything will go fabulously!
Congratulations! I am so excited for you! You must be absolutely giddy!!
These shots are beyond stunning! Everytime I scrolled down to see the next image I would gasp louder and louder! Absolutely stunning! ~ Diane
Congratulations Erin! So well deserved. The photo of the horse is stunning ♥♥
Looks like a lovely place/patio...feel like I was right there with a glass of wine! Congratulations Erin! Your paintings are gorgeous! Wish I could be there!
Honey...ART and HORSES always take precidence....See ya around the corner!
Looks very lovely! :)
So very happy for you! Can't wait to see more pictures of your paintings. Owning a painting by you is on my bucket list---
Ok I know this congratulations is late, but I'm here on a recommendation of a friend and realized that I had found you before but you got lost in my shuffle of blogs I follow. Anyway, I just love this post for many reasons, mostly because your dream is coming true and you shared it so beautifully!
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