yikes, talk about a run on sentence!
i was inspired by this lovely bowl (above), that my friend Shacina gifted to me a couple of years ago......she found it at the ever inspiring Anthropology store (love Anthro)......we use it to hold our paper napkins and little miss daisy has taken a cat nap or two in it. i just love it. it sits in the middle of our kitchen table where i see it everyday.
o.k. so, did i mention, i was "inspired"?!
Easter Bunny take note!
all you need is a round-ish doily, preferably the thicker crochet type, dip it into ordinary school glue, wring it out a little (so nostalgic to feel and smell the glue again), and form the doily over an up-side-down bowl (i covered the bowls first with Press and Seal), wait a couple of days til good and dry, and gently pry off. really easy! i promise.
i like to think i am honoring the women who made these vintage pieces. it is better to give new life into something old, than just hide it away on a shelf.

don't you think?
i am joining Debra at Common Ground Blog for Vintage Inspiration Friday .
Pretty neat! I'll have to try this for some Easter treats. Love your blog, I'll be back. Check out my blog when you have a moment.
Boy you had alot of time on your hands lol! Seriously though these are gorgeous! I used to have so many now I wish I still had them. Your photos are fantastic as always!!
I'm sure The Easter Bunny will be very impressed!!
Pamela :)
I really like this idea. I have some doilies that my grandma made, but they are just hiding out in the closet. This would be a good way to use them and have them out as a reminder of her.
These are gorgeous! I have so many doilies I bought at an estate sale in neutral and all colors. Thanks for sharing this idea.
I love what you did with the dollies - great ideas.
Hoping Spring temps and sun shine will return soon.
These are beautiful Erin, what a lovely idea!
Remember my doily garland? I had some small ones leftover that just did not work in the garland. WOOT!
Doily bowls , here I come!
Fabulous idea!
Gee I wonder if we could use big ones and make lamp shades with a light kit? hmmmmm?
MY GOODNESS. Your new header, a dream. Your doily bowls, perfection. Your general mood is always so uplifting dearest!!! How are you? I have missed you so. I hope you are well and your art is BLOOMING like a new bud in spring....so fabulous! BISOUS, Anita
I see that you've got Suzan thinking Erin! I think they are brilliant. You can never have enough little catch alls around. I don't think I even own a doily....I must keep my eye open for some when I am out fleaing.
Wow, Beautiful!
I have a buffet drawer full of
doilies. I am going to try making some.
Love it Erin! Just the other day I was playing around with shredded paper and made a little paper nest using the same technique. The doilies look sooo pretty! I will have to give it a try! :)
those are adorable!!!! they look like flowers or butterflies depending on the angle.they are displayed so cute...and I like your music by the way!!!
Wonderful ! I have some old doilys that my grandmother made that are in my linnen closet. This will give them a purpose,and it will honor my Mamaw .
I received my PIF in the mail today and they are adorable!!!
They are so beautiful but you made really many, what will you with them all!? I love the pictures with wonderful light and thin lace bowl.
Brilliant and beautiful!
these are so lovely.
i so enjoy your blog. your photography and artwork are really wonderful...i look forward to each post.
Oh wow! I love these, I have to try them out.
I'm wondering about the school glue, is that the thick white paste?
Thanks for sharing.
These are absolutely heavenly!
They turned out beautifully... I think the women who made them would indeed be honored! xoxo
i think for sure! these are beautiful!!! your blog is so lovely and serene! so glad your comment lead me to pop over. :)
thanks so much for your sweet comment.
happy weekend!
I think you could make an old shoe looks like a million dollars. These are just gorgeous! and the photography so ethereal.
I do think so! They are so delicate and lovely and of course your photos are crazy lovely Erin!
I hope you are doing great!!!
They are just precious, the one shot looks like a bunch of little lacey butterflies!! Thanks for linking up to the party, I always love your beautiful photos!
Goodness - these are fabulous!! I'll have to give them a try.
I'm a new follower stopping by from Blue Monday...great to connect with you.
Hope you can come visit sometime at http://SallyLeeByTheSea.com :O)
I love your lace bowls Erin! So pretty and sweet. Thanks for sharing the "how to".
I found your post and Anthro's doily projects so inspiring that I tried it myself and my bowl came out wonderful! Thank you for your instructions! Hope you have a great week! :)
Adorable...I am going to try this! Thanks!!
those bowls are sooo beautiful. Thank you for sharing this great idea.
Greetings, Johanna
A great idea and a fun project to now do with my G-Kids to transform some of my old doilies into something new and useful.
Dawn... The Bohemian
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