I THINK that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth's sweet flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in Summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.

to receipts at ATM's and gas pumps!
all of that paper for the receipts comes from
beautiful trees.....
i did some research and could not find consistent statistics (try saying that 5 times fast),
but one thing is for sure.......
the statistics are staggering.
there are something like 8 billion ATM transactions a year!
which adds up to a roll of paper more than 2 billion feet long,
or enough to circle the globe 15 times!
you really don't need that receipt.
save the paper=save the trees=reduce waste.

for more ideas of how we can create change.
all photos taken at one of my favorite places for TREES in Audubon Park, New Orleans, La.
Brilliant sweetie.....
Love-a-ly trees post. Will forgo gas receipts. thanks, Gina
Good idea! I'll do that. On my ATM the receipt can be sent to my e-mail. As long as I don't print it out at home too. ;-)
Beautiful trees...............lovely new week !! warm hugs from Ria...
I so love that poem and now your beautiful pictures to match. Thanks for bringing up an idea that almost anyone can carry out, very simple. Ann
Wonderful words, thoughts and pictures to start my week with. Love the first one, especially.
I so love trees, Thanks Erin for the gently reminder, by showing me the beauty of something taken for granted!
Lovely poem! Thank you~
Your blog = just just just lovely!
Agneta, a swedish one ;)
Yes yes yes...I am a tree lover...we have a massive maple in our front yard and I love her sooooooo much...we are always whispering sweet nothings in her ear. I would cry if anything ever happened to her. Our other neighbours have cut down their trees...why? I just don't understand..I think they were blocking the view{nosey neighbours}
Ours is such a gift...shade in the summer and sooo much privacy...oh dear I could go on forever about our beloved tree....{with a childhood rope swing I would never take down}
Your images are stunning...wow what amazing trees...I sooo want to go there...it is now on my list of must dos.
Hugs my sweet dear friend. xoxoxo
What magnificent trees. Just gorgeous. Makes me want to hug one.
Spooky trees and the perfect tune to go with them!
Beautiful shots and beautiful treatments on the shots. I always look forward to your new posts.
Gorgeous trees Erin! They remind me of the oaks in Louisiana where I lived for a school year.... so grand. And thank you for the inspiration to post my wave. Somehow right now it's easier to sit down for an hour to make jewerly and blog than the HUGE commitment to a painting. Yes, like you, some day. By the way, I guess I never mentioned that Lucinda is my sister : )
Beautiful trees and so great photos!!!!
Have a wonderful week,
Your trees are beautiful Erin. Are they the live oaks that the South is so famous for? I think they are my favorite tree because they are so graceful and we don't have anything like that here in the North.
I love that poem; I knew the first part but not the rest, and it's perfect with your tree pictures. I am a receipt culprit and you have definitely made me reconsider that notion. A very good suggestion!
Oh my word ... gorgeous trees Erin! I want to hug them! There is such energy from these beautiful living things. These are just magical, beautiful images!
I totally agree with you!
trees are wonderful and your photos too!
Erin thank you and happy week!!
So true. My bank just started offering the 'no receipt' option and and I thought 'It's about time!'
Such gorgeous trees.
I'm a tree hugger. Yep. I walk right on out into the forest and hug trees just for because they are so beautiful!
Yay for you, Erin, for this lovely, loving post!
~ Zuzu
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