here are little
of what i have been up to..........
i will decorate three fresh trees there after Thanksgiving.
i usually do only one fresh 15 footer, but this year i will be adding 2 more 6 footers.
believe me, that's a lot of twinkle lights!!

i truly don't know where i get all the energy for this?
and to top it off, i decided to spend this weekend painting my beamed ceiling and fireplace mantel (finally, Mr. Lee).
my lovely daughter, Ash and her hubby Rob will arrive on tuesday, and we will be hosting a casual party for her friends hopefully around a roaring campfire.
wednesday, my hubby will make his famous cabbage rolls,
and then thursday my son, Ian and his girlfriend, Sam will join us for Thanksgiving!
Sam just might be bringing her bestie Ke$ha over to meet us. yes, i DO mean the rock star Ke$ha...they have been friends for years.
tons of fun, family and great food!!!
my two horsey paintings were featured over at Anita's wonderful blog,
i have just recently found this gorgeous slice of bloglandia, and you MUST visit her.
you will be enchanted.
i promise.
thank you Anita!
i am also,
extremely excited,
and proud as punch to announce...
i have
my first
that's right the horsey painting above has been sold!!
it wasn't really even, officially for sale, but someone i know "just had to have it"!!
i am just over the moon thrilled about this,
and of course i can't wait to have the time to paint more.
for now though, i look forward to a wonderful week.
i have so much to be
Erin, congratulations! I'm not in the least bit surprised and if only I didn't live in a different hemisphere you'd be hearing from me as well!! Enjoy your thanksgiving :)
Wow! Your decor is gorgeous and so are those photos! You really have a great eye. :) Looks like something from a Christmas coffee table book. Love it! And Ke$ha? Who woulda thought! Cool! :)
That's awesome! Congratulations. I bet you could sell a lot of your beautiful paintings. Pretty decorations too. I love, love, love the vintage garland with the glass ornaments. So very pretty!
Oh sweet friend...I am not surprised at all your horse painting sold..I am surprised that folks were not fighting over it.
I love Anita...she really is the sweetheart of blogland.
Wishing you one amazing much fun to have the whole family...and your husband makes cabbage rolls...I am so jealous!
hugs. xoxoxo
Sounds like you're getting ready for an exciting Thanksgiving, and with these beautiful decorations a festive Christmas. You sure have the eye for decorating.
O Erin....i wish that i has buy it !! it is such a beautiful horse painting !!!...lovely week are so special your Ria.....
YAHOOOOOOOO! ERIN! You are quickly becoming my favorite HORSE ARTIST and I am not surprised that someone has snatched up that peeking equine! THANK YOU FOR MENTIONING ME! I was so impressed with you the first moment I saw you. AND YOUR PHOTOS OF THE ORNAMENTS are stunning as well! YOU ARE PAINTING YOUR BEAMED CEIIINGS? My new addition will have beams on a CATHEDRAL CEILING....I wonder how one paints so high????
ENJOY, RELAX, REVEL in the delight that your work is now in DEMAND!
I am so thrilled...thank you dearest for the mention of my blog. Have a splendid day, Anita
Love your decorating! Will you come to my house and do my decorating :) It's all beautiful, but I especially love the mantles. You inspire me to do more with my mantel.
I'm not surprised you sold one of your horses. I would have bought it if I had a room that would do it justice. I used to have a gray horse when I was in high school and your pictures remind me of him. Congrats!
You have been busy - very pretty! Congratulations on the sale of your painting.
Just came across your wonderful Blog...and I must say your decorating is so beautiful, and creative, very inspirational! I grew up on a horse farm and your painting just got to me. The eyes and the beauty of it, brought back some very special memories. You have a God given talent. Look forward to more of your posts. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Your style is putting me in the Christmas mood! And that's great news about your painting. Congratulations!
Congrats for your painting dear Erin, but... won´t you miss it a lot?? it is incredible beautiful!!!
Have a wonderful time with all the family gathered together at thanksgiving!!
maria cecilia
Hi Erin, I must admit that I was curious as to how your mantle looked with a fresh look. Your horse paintings are wonderful as are all your artworks, and it's about time you started to sell some. You should investigate doing prints and offer them on your website. There are many people that love your talent and certainty would consider buying an art print of yours, me included. Linda and I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and say hi to hubby for me.
Of course it sold! It's beautiful!!! You are a professional artist! Yeah!
It all looks beautiful. Betsy was raving about your home!
those Horse paintings are beautiful! I think they look amazing , I thought they were wonderfully textured photographs.
and a P.S. Please do paint more I looked at your paintings they are really nice, i like the one of the chair and colorful leaves ( and the top one alot the field , and your horses , they are all nice, I especially noticed the details in those( i love horse paintings
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