"having too much FUN"?
this is day 4 of our southern snow...
more snow than we have had for 7 years.
and when we southerners get this much snow, we have to enjoy it while it's here...it brings out the kid in all of us!
i live here...
sledding hills around!
and when it snows...
our driveway is one of the main thoroughfares to the hill.
living at the bottom of this hill, when it snows, is a constant winter party.
snow boarding
snowball fights
four wheeling
meeting new friends
bonding with old friends
hanging by the fire
full moon
did i mention the laughing?
nothing like a warm fire to draw people together.
my hubby and i have been outside for hours and hours this weekend taking part in all the festivities...it feels like we have been on vacation at a wonderful snow lodge. sunburned, slightly bruised and exhausted, it has been such a blast! every time we have tried to go inside, we are drawn back out with the wonderful sound of laughter from the hill.

this guy filmed himself and his boys as they flew down the hill.

it is amazing to me that more people didn't get hurt!
Looks like lots of fun! Lot of happy faces! Don't know what it is with me, but have never been able to handle the cold for long, so I will stay in and make snacks and such. :-)
Nice post!
It looks like a great slope for sledding :+D
I especially love the laundry basket idea
~ Who would have thought? Hahahahaaa!
Looks like a blast! What a perfect spot you have to enjoy the festivities. There's nothing like peals of laughter to make you smile.
That was so much fun! We have a hill in our area that everyone went to as well. Too bad nobody nearby was quite as hospitable as you were! Your photos are great and made me feel like I was there.
What a superb series of photos to document a super weekend. I just loved that top photo of the lady in the dark coat and hat with the snow on it. Awesome! You are truly an artist with camera and with brush. Sorry I haven't been by more often - sorry for me and what I may have missed. I'll be back more now.
Oh I am so jealous! It looks like you all had a great time. Your pics are great! You did make me feel as if I was there with you.
The snow is just beautiful!
Oh I just loved this post. It just warms the heart that folks are enjoying such simple pleasures. Really beautiful honey,
how much fun are all these photos ?
you guys really know how to have a good time...
I guess around here we take the sledding for granted...but boy, it looks nicer there, since it "felt" warmer to me...
and around here we often see kids with helmets on, since there is often ice under the snow....
the shoeless kid made me laugh the most !
OH...and your daisy look a like photos cracked me up !
You are the artist of photography! Beautiful pictures of our party time.
OhMyGosh!!! I've done this all my life, and yet by the time I got down to the bottom of your post and saw all your pics, I was wearing a HUGE smile across my face! HOW FUN!
Oh - and I blogged about not have a TV if you're still interested. :)
Have a Happy One,
Erin, you captured this wonderful day perfectly! I loved seeing all the pictures and happy faces....I just LOVED the bar on wheels!!
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