This is a difficult time of year for me with the gardening season winding down, but still work to be done AND the pressure of decorating TWO massive clients homes for the holidays (one of which has to be done by this Wednesday)...not to mention trying to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family in there! I don't know how I could do it all without my wonderful, supportive hubby having dinner made for me every night.........and he will cook most of the Thanksgiving meal as well! This is my 7th year for this grinding routine and it has gotten easier in some respects but the pressure and responsibility I feel is HUGE and the "recovering perfectionist" in me makes it most difficult to focus on anything else right now. I will be creating a Snow Village today (yes, it's Sunday) using 40 + pieces all individually lit with of course, no wires showing, hidden under artistically placed drifts of snow...........
the job is HUGE,
the physical effort is HUGE,
the house is HUGE,
the pressure and stress is HUGE,
the expectations are HUGE,
the responsibility is HUGE........
here's hoping a HUGE Poinsettia Ball isn't heading in YOUR direction.
photo taken of me at the Chicago Botanical Gardens in 2008
Sounds like it will all be beautiful! What a fun picture.
Great picture. It actually looked familiar and after I read your post, I realized why. I lived west of Chicago and went to the Dale Chililly exhibit there. (I don't know how to spell his name). I hope all your hard work and effort are rewarded with a HUGE check! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day, in spite of the days heading up to it.
Dear Erin
You'll Be Swell. You'll Be Great!!
I Can Tell, Just You Wait
That Lucky Star They Talk About is YOU
Honey Everything's Coming Up Roses [and Poinsettas] for Me and for YOU
Couldn't help but break into song!!! Getting looney here been working 22 days straight.. i think.. can't really remember
Well Erin if all the wonderful photos you have shown us so far is an indication of how you'll go .. I think you'll do great!! Better than great! I know it will still take extreme effort, worry and stress, but you'll get there!! Take care and catch you soon xxx Julie
Did I miss Thanksgiving all together?
oh lordy that photo looks as if it fits your week perfectly...i hope it all goes smoothly and with minimum stress for you..look forward to seeing some pics...and thank you for your well wishes...they're so appreciated...
Oh first of, just love the picture...did you get outa the way honey! Hah, it's so beautiful and the flower boxes are gorgeous.
Hey you sound like a woman who needs a break, that all sounds very hectic. Wishing you a great week and hope you get everything done without to much trouble. My the village thing...wow!
Now I know what you mean by the huge poinsetta ball....holy moly that's big. Look at those palms too. Spectacular! Real place of inspiration.
Will you be buying one of those:))? lol
How the heck would you get it home???
Good luck Erin....I'm sure it'll be beautiful especially with the new color theme!
that photo just cracked me up...
thanks for making me laugh !!
and I hope that everything you've got going on...well, goes smoothly !
Love the picture of the ball! I would love to have your job at Christmas although I know it is stressful! I can't wait to see pics.
Fantastic photo!
You have such an amazing job. It sounds exciting but the pressure would do me in! But after seven years I'm sure your project will be stunning!
Good luck and try to squeeze in some rest along the way.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I remember that day and it just makes me miss you more. You have been a constant inspiration to me, dear friend, and I am indeed thankful and lucky.
My Thanksgiving wish to you, your family, and to your Followers:
"As you celebrate the reasons to be thankful, may happiness be your sweet refrain."
Much love,
Your Anna
Incredible photo! I hope that you can find some rest soon, and so good to hear you have a wonderful supportive husband....it helps a ton! When I worked full time, my husband always had dinner waiting on the table, such a great feeling :)
Wishing you a calmer holiday season, and may your stress subside soon!
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