continuing my last post...
more pretty pictures of paulettes home in new orleans.
remember, she plucked us off the street, and gave us a private tour!!
an apology up front...
for the life of me, i can not figure out how to keep my photos closer together?!
sorry if your pointer finger becomes soar from all the rolling of the little wheelie-thingy 0n the mousey-thingy! hey, at least i have figured out how to enlarge photos! yippie!

every fireplace had an antique mirror above...

simple light fixture and modern art in the master bath .

can you imagine applying makeup at an antique dresser??

darn, i cut off the top of this painting.

walking downstairs.

check out the runner and gorgeous artwork!

love, love the stained floors!

looking towards the front door.

paulette pointing out yet another spectacular mirror.

this 17th c. french desk stills wears its original red leather!!
like i said before...cute shoes!

love, love this painting by the front door!!

thank you
thank you
thank you
your hospitality was certainly appreciated by this housoholic birthday girl!!
i only regret i didn't take a better shot of you
or get your last name!
hospitality, alive and well in new orleans...
Just loved the second part, just lovely.Her light fittings are just great.
Re the photo's; while I'm putting the post together I just go into "edit html" and delete extra spaces there, then click preview to make sure it looks right and then publish.
Mind you I haven't figured out the enlarge photo, I have, but not the resolution bit!
HI Erin
More gorgeous photos ... just fabulous.. must of been such a fun day. I LOVE the bluey green artwork against this creamy palette. Just perfect!! Pauline has an incredible eye for colour and scale. Also love love love the colour of the house with the white trims. This is probably my perfect dream home!!! Thank you and Pauline so much for sharing with us. You will have to let us know which magazine it is being featured in and when!! I need more drool material.. haha
About your spacing issue. A similar issue nearly drove me UP THE WALL last night. I have spacing turned off which means I have to force the line spacing with a dot '.' But when I turn the spacing thingy back on ... then I get wild gaps between everything on not just on the latest post but all my old ones also. I am still at a loss as to how to fix it. I spend WAY too many hours getting a post out sometimes. I'm sure others don't have this issue???? Be keen to find out how to fix.
Have a great weekend. xx Julie
That house looks absolutely fantastic. I like how bright it is with the sun coming through! Also that front porch! Wow could you get anymore new orleans!
What can I say it's to Die For. There's just something about homes in New Orleans that are just so beyond anything else. it must be the history. You could put the same furniture in an other beautiful house and it would never look as good. That painting by the front door is exactly the kind of painting I love....all misty and ghostly. I could stare at it forever.
On the blogger front. I use to go nuts moving my pics around filling up empty spaces. What I do now is just use backspace above the pic til it meets up to the text or the above pic.
I was going to ask you how you get such large pictures. I know how to change the px size which enlarges it but they come out unfocused. Do you change the resolution too?
What an incredible home! The details, mirrors and artwork...gorgeous!!
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