Sunday, April 20, 2014

easter dogwoods blooming

happy easter
from my backyard,
where the Dogwood Trees are putting on their show

my favorite tree for spring time blooms....

i call them
 "forest lace"

their delicate white blooms dance in the under story of the larger trees.

last week, i had the very sad task of helping some friends of mine plant a dogwood tree in their backyard.... in honor of their son who died suddenly...his ashes amending the was a beautiful tribute to a young man leaving this world way too early....

much religious symbolism surrounds the beautiful Dogwood Tree which blooms at Easter time...please note that the following story is not taken from scripture, but it is a story that i like very much.

The dogwood is a modern figure of the Passion of Christ. The "legend" has it that the dogwood, which once grew tall and straight, was the source of the wood used for the cross. Jesus had pity on this poor tree used for such an ignoble purpose, and decreed, "Henceforth it shall be slender and bent and twisted and its blossoms shall be in the form of a cross ... two long and two short petals. And in the center of the outer edge of each petal there will be nail prints, brown with rust and stained with red, and in the center of the flower will be a crown of thorns, and all who see it remember ... that it was upon a dogwood tree I was crucified and this tree shall not be mutilated or destroyed, but cherished as a reminder of My death upon the cross."

happy easter

my friends


It's me said...

Happy easter darling !!! from !

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Enjoyed seeing all the beautiful photos - thanks for sharing. The fuzzy chicks are so cute. :D
Thanks for posting the story about the dogwood. I remember it every Spring when they bloom.
Hope you had a Happy and Enjoyable Easter weekend.

Heaven's Walk said...

So beautiful.....such a wonderful sentiment....and just incredibly gorgeous photos, too, Erin. Hope you had a blessed Easter Sunday, sweetie!

xoxo laurie

michele said...

i love this post, and what an honor that was for you to be part of such a sacred gesture. so much beauty here for my monday morning. thank you.


Debbie Nolan said...

Dear Erin - first and foremost - how truly sad about the young man. I am so glad you were there to help plant the tree and I am sure give comfort to his family. Love your description "forest lace" for the dogwoods.
I have read that lovely story about the Dogwood tree - one of my favorites too.
Ours have not bloomed yet but have been painting some from a photo I had taken a couple of years ago.
Now when I see them bloom I will think "forest lace". Have a wonderful week.

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Dear Erin,
Losing a child is beyond my comprehension. I am so sorry to hear about this young man. It was so kind of you to help plant a tree in his honor..
The story about the Dogwood touches my soul.
Wishing you a wonderful week.
Love the little chicks at the top.
Did you create these?

Cindy said...

I know and love that story too... I used to feel like i shouldn't pick dogwood flowers because of that. I think they are beautiful too... they totally look like lace in the woods, and i love looking at the pattern of the branches imagining how to paint them. I find painting flowering trees very difficult.
Love the beautiful photos as usual... They look like paintings


Unknown said...

I'm sorry about your friend's son. I can't even imagine living through something as painful as losing a child. Your yard is as stunning as the inside of your home. Thank you for sharing.

susan hemann said...

I just love dogwoods too. Beautiful photos. I did not know the legend of the dogwood. No wonder I love them so much. Such sadness for your friend. Prayers to her family!

Seawashed said...

I love your forest are surrounded by such beauty. The only place that I have seen the Dogwood trees around here is at our state Capitol park. It is my favorite too. I think it is maybe too hot to grow in our neighborhoods. The Capitol has so much shade from the huge old old trees.

I am saddened to hear of your friends loss. I have been hearing of so many young people suddenly passing. It makes me wonder and it grieves my heart.

Thank you for sharing your beauty.

Donna said...

Those chicks are adorable!! Love the pic of them :)
Loved the story of the dogwood tree.

Donna said...

Those chicks are adorable!! Love the pic of them :)
Loved the story of the dogwood tree.

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Jefford Morris said...

beautiful photos!

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