the holidays are now packed away, in boxes and blurring memories....gone is my christmas tree which stood in this bay window....replaced by an old chippy dresser and fresh did God know that green would go with everything?
i start every day here, gazing out the window and watching for little feathery friends flitting by.
they have that whole FLYING thing goin on...pretty amazing really.
i dream of flying.
nine years ago, i turned (the wrong way) to pick up a three year old boy who was charging at me for a big hug....i never refuse hugs....ever since, i have suffered on and off with complications from a bulging disk in my back....and now, is one of those times when the pain and pinching has me reeling! mr. dan gave me strict instructions to lay down all day and relax my muscles.
not one to lie down much, as soon as he was off chasing that little white ball on the golf course, i got out my ladder and hung these cute white curtains that i found at an estate sale this week....just tacked them up with push how they hide the window framing and soften the view....the branch cut from my curly willow tree and hung above, adds an organic feel and echoes the beautiful bare winter trees that i see outside.
i used these small wreath frames as tie backs.
and hung these delicate glass birds from the branch.

if you look closely at this photo, you might notice the cayenne pepper shaker on the lower right on the a "recovering perfectionist" i have left that "less than perfect" image in here on purpose...
a sweet homage to the little birdies...i fashioned the cage out of craft wire.
and look outside on the deck...yellow flowers blooming in january!! winter jasmine trying to make a show just for me. thank you.
my mantel has a new look you may have noticed in my new header...the little birdie paintings are some that i have been working on.... from photos i took of these "dark eyed junco's" that passed through a few winters ago....darling little black and grey tweeties....i just love the look of birds sitting on bare branches.
i loved the look of my bottle collection under cloches at christmas time, so i have moved them here, minus the vintage ornaments....the white cones with wistful grass in them, blend with the browns in the stone fireplace.
the blue of the bottles is so soft and wintery.
reminds me of the blue in an iceberg.
although i have added very wintery photos to my sidebar, it has been unseasonably warm here (60's and 70's!) we have had our doors open! i love winter and snow and really look forward to the february snow, predicted by the "farmers almanac". winter is a good time for birdwatching and nesting and resting (my back, yikes) and healing the body and soul and painting sweet little birds and branches and dreaming of spring gardens and making goals for the year....
although i am cringing a little...
hey, it's an ongoing process!
i am baby stepping.
if a tiny bird can make a nest out of twigs, then just think what YOU can accomplish.
i am off to lie down now, as mr. dan is on his way home, and i don't want to get caught.
he he
Oh do take care of yourself. All your images are just perfect to me and I never cringe at them. Your bird paintings, on the mantle, are terrific. We are bird feeders and watchers too.
I love the new mantelscape with your original paintings. Perfect midwinter blues.
I'm so happy you took the time to write this go rest that back!
I would have never noticed the silly cayenne pepper...
Hubby got me a bird feeder and seeds for christmas and I have thoroughly enjoyed the birds. They are are very interesting little creatures.
Take care
Nursing my back too Erin...I feel your pain! :(
Your images are as ethereal and lovely as always. I admire your courage as a "recovering perfectionist" that is definitely not my problem! lol...
Clutter is my friend and my enemy!
Those iceberg blue bottles look wonderful gathered under the cloche.
And...I adored your Christmas header but have to say this one, with your bird on bare branches is beautiful and perfect for this time of year.
Feel better soon! :)
Enjoyed seeing your Winter bird watching touches. I love when the cardinals show up. Have had a few so far, but not as many as usual - maybe later on. I would have probably never noticed the pepper shaker until you mentioned it. :-D I have looked back at some of my older posts and noticed things in pictures - Oh well - that is real life!! :-D
Sorry you are dealing with a back issue - hope you feel better soon. I am not one to lay down during the day either.
Enjoy your evening.
Your posts are always so aesthetically beautiful Erin!
I love your new header (and bird paintings, bottle collection,chippy dresser & gorgeous curly willow branch!!
Hope you are feeling better ~ I understand living with herneated discs...I deal with them too.
Thanks for this beautiful post ♥
so many peaceful images to soothe my soul just now, erin. thank you for your lovely work and styling. sending lots of love and light your way as you heal.
O dearest Erin, I hope you feel better soon. I know what it is to hurt and not be able to sit or lie down, because it's just not in your genes or something. I have the exact same problem.
When you talk of dreaming of flying and I see your creativeness in your pictures, decorating and painting, I have to think of my oldest son, who's been amazed by birds and dreaming of flying ever since he was a little boy and who wanted to draw and paint even before he could talk properly. He still draws, its like his second nature, and he's still amazed by birds and their amazing feature of being able to fly.
Thank you for this post Erin. It brought the necessary calmness to me. I hope I will be able to sleep now. That has been a problem lately; too much thoughts keeping me busy.
And you did it again. I'm just in awe!
There you are! And you're back so beautifully. In love it all. I have yet to regroup after Christmas. Still trying to put away the stragglers. Thanks for all the inspiration. Please rest! My mom had a similar accident with a neighbor girl who was stuck in a tree. When she came down on my mom's shoulders, the damage was done. Take it easy and take care of yourself.
Birds of a feather, sister! I have collected ceramic, metal, glass birds and birdies on fabric as well. I love to put them around my house as well. As I took down my holiday decorations, I filled my birdfeeder in the window. One of my favorite delights is to see who stops to visit the feeder. : ) I miss the Cardinals of Illinois. Take care of that back. ((((hug))))
Other than that...pure perfection.
Did you play that song just for me??? haha. Birdies are such a treat to watch.
I laughed when I read Laura's comment about not being a perfectionist. Not my problem either.
Now go lay down, you'll have plenty of time on your feet in the spring.
Did you play that song just for me??? haha. Birdies are such a treat to watch.
I laughed when I read Laura's comment about not being a perfectionist. Not my problem either.
Now go lay down, you'll have plenty of time on your feet in the spring.
What a completely delightful post... i loved everything about it, plus your header, and the photo of you in the snow. I like the way you said "gardening and artying" awesome words!
Ouch, about your back... please do rest it, will send healing thoughts your way.
Your mantel and your house look incredible as usual, and i love the cayenne pepper shaker on the table... funny... i have a giant thing of cayenne pepper flakes that i use all the time!
Love your blog and photos. Hope you feel better soon. No telling what you'll accomplish! I love the bay window.
Your Bay Window retreat looks so serene and inviting and I'm Loving your Bottle Collection under Cloches!!! I too Love Greenery and Living Plants everywhere blending & blurring the distinctions between the Outside/Inside. Watching Birds has always been a Joy... we Love to feed the Wild Birds during times when we know they're having a difficult time foraging due to Seasonal hardships.
Thanks for stopping by for a visit... I'm so glad Blogger got things put straight and recovered my Blog that had been removed, I had Blog Panic & I guess that means I'm now Addicted huh? *LOL*
Dawn... The Bohemian
So pretty...our little birds need feeding today...lots of snow! Hope you are well dear one. xoxox
Hi Erin, back problems are awful. I have scoliosis in my lower spine and if I do too much or bend wring, I am down for the count. Your nest sure is beautiful! Take care! Best wishes and blessings, Tammy
Ahhh. I have a similar back story. Picked up my 4-yr-old daughter with my left arm (weak side) when I was 29, and bingo, disc problems ever since. Yoga has helped tremendously. Hope you feel better soon, Erin.
We also share that "recovering perfectionist" thing. I've decided to train my inner voice from always saying "Not good enough - do it again", to "Whoopee, that was fun! Let's do it again!" Seems to be working. ;)
Lovely photos of your beautiful home. Wondering - would you mind sharing what kind of camera you are using? Mine is about to go.
Happy weekend!
Thanks sweetie for popping by. I adore this post and all your winter white pictures. You do have some of the best out there in blogland. You are a blessing. But, take care of that back. I have the same stuff too... so, I let Scott do all the shoveling out this morning. No clue you were from Chicagoland in the 70's. We too used the iodine in the baby oil. Hinsdale to now Wheaton, if you want to know.
Off to figure out more about this Picnik closing. Where to do our banners now. Mark my words Google will be messing with Pinterest next. Can't they leave us bloggers alone.
Weekend Wishes for More White,
What a beautiful post with such pretty images.
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