i was so inspired by a Country Living photo that i had saved on my Pinterest board....of vintage ornaments sitting on top of old bottles.....that i decorated this whole room around that idea.....i just love the touches of pretty light blue bouncing around the room.....
i set mine under cloches.... to keep Big Kit-Ten and Little Miss Daisy at bay....you can see how thrilled they are.

in front of the sunny window, i used a white tree in an old milk crate, holding blue ball jars.
i went about my house pulling all the aqua blue items that i could find, to use as accents...... the aqua polka dot ribbon adds some whimsy and i love how the light shines through the sheerness...

i used fake snow or shells in the jars.....and topped them with more vintage ornaments.

i was thrilled to find this old string of lights at a tag sale this summer....little white birds sitting in sparkly nests...each one has a light inside and the strand still works!

so the christmas season has officially begun at my house...i just love this time of year and all of the decorating and creative rearranging..... i took so many pictures, just in this room, that i thought i'd better break it up into two posts....so stay tuned for "aqua touches part II"......
coming soon.
i want to thank you all so very, very much for your lovely comments on my last post...you really know how to make a girl feel good!! if it wasn't for your on going support, i probably would not have been able to "expose" myself as i have....it is pretty incredible, to think that, my little ol bloggy, has actually been good for me in the most unexpected ways......and the bonus for me, is getting to know you all just a little bit better....and in turn, getting to know MYSELF better too.
and i thank you for that.
p.s. if you are interested in creating those cute little bokeh hearts that you see in some of my photos, there is a good tutorial found at http://www.scottlawphotography.com/2011/01/shaped-bokeh-tutorial.html.
Your decorations are so pretty - I always enjoy seeing your decor using aqua and you do a great job of photographing it all. Have not even started decorating for Christmas here - having a late Thanksgiving dinner this weekend.
Everything looks so beautiful!!
What a beautiful post. I, too, had seen bottles with ornaments on top. Loved the idea. Your idea of using with cloches just made them more beautiful. I love the soft Christmas whites with aquas.
WOW! WOW! Aqua fruit jars have always been a love of mine. I am truly inspired with the jars in the wire basket. You will soon find this duplicated in my home.
Thanks for posting.
Dear Erin
You have such a beautiful sense of style Erin. I love how the light seems to dance on all your decorations.. So very lovely.. Thank you so much for sharing, and thank you for visiting and your kind words.
This is sooooo pretty Erin :) I love all of the white and blue and pretty ornaments !
We're on the same wave length Erin...with those aquas and blues and the ornament topped bottles. Your photos are amazing and your home looks positively ethereal! So, so pretty! :)
Oh MY! Everything is absolutely gorgeous. Stunning with the color aqua. Great idea with your ornaments. I am a brand new follower and not sure how I found you......and you have two cats. Awesome. Can't wait to see more.
Connie LOU
I just love your beautiful cloch decorations. I have gone a bit crazy myself using them to decorate with for Christmas, love the beautiful tranquil tones you have chosen for Christmas!
Ah yes, that pale shade of aqua that is "her" favorite too! Have you seen the Country Living book, "Merry and Bright"??? Those blue bottles and ornaments are on the cover! Yep, love at first sight here too! We are looking forward to your next installation of aqua!
Romeo and "her"
Oh Erin...please come to Holland and decorate our home for christmas!!...i am happy here......i love it all great color!!
I am to sad to decorate the house this year.....i miss my mom....
Enjoy a happy weekend darling...love from me. ..........♥.. ♥... ♥....
I was wondering about a colourscheme for Christmas. I do love the classic red and so but this... I think you might have given me the answer. I had been thinking of white and blue already but now that I've seen your decorations, so full of light, I know that's what I want. I can't wait to start decorating. Still it will be very different, I don't have any bottles, vintage ornaments(love those!!!) or a white tree like you do but I will find a way... ;-)
Bye and... thanks!
Did I tell you I love your Christmas home, love all your decorating??? Cause I do! Very much!
Love the jars used in your decorating...and what a creative way to stop the cats from getting your ornaments,
Sigh. It's gorgeous, Erin! I think your photos should be in Country Living magazine. And I can't believe how big Little Miss Daisy is! I remember when you first shared pics of her and were asking for help to name her!
I didn't leave a very long comment on your previous post, but I understand completely how HUGE this is and I am so very happy for you! As a teen, my clarinet teacher encouraged me to compete in endless music competitions & on TV. Littel me was scared out of my wits, but the growth was uplifting. Congratulations again - now you know what we know. You are truly gifted!!!
The moment your header appeared, I swooned in my chair. You do it to me every time. Aqua RULES!!!!!!!!!!!
So beautiful, so magnificent in every way dearest. Anita
I made a few of these bottles this past week, I fell in love with that CL article too! Your room is sheer beauty, every bit of it! I just read your last post and may I say, you are gorgeous and your work is the same. I just love your horse paintings, they do evoke a wonderful emotion and they must look incredible in person! Congratulations on your show and for overcoming your fear... you should have no fears about showing your beautiful work! t.xoxoo
Pure magic Erin
Just gorgeous. Love this post. And your photographs are beautiful. I am going to pull out my bottles and my ornaments...and get to work. Love this look!!!
What a beautiful color combination. Wonderful Christmas decorating. I love the vintage ornaments under the cloches. Have a great weekend.
Isn't it so much fun to see an idea and have everything on hand to make it happen? Love that. I also love your beautiful room. It's so fresh and inviting. I'm completely overwhelmed decorating this new house for Christmas. We started yesterday, but I was also cooking our second Thanksgiving dinner all day. I went to bed exhausted. Hopefully, I'll have new eyes and energy today. Thanks for the beautiful inspiration. It's all so gorgeous!
Erin, I have missed so many of yours posts! I need to go read some, to catch up.
Love your pics as usual, and it reminds me of the first time I found you artsy pics, and how they took my breath away.
take care and Merry christmas to you and your family,
This is amazingly gorgeous and I'm always in awe of your photos and designs on your site. Swoon-worthy for sure!
Wow, Erin.....it's all so beautiful!!! I love that pale aqua. It reminds me of the ocean. :) And as usual, your photos are truly magazine worthy! Hugs!
xoxo laurie
Ummmmmmm, could your house be any prettier?!?? Just look how you play with the light...
The photo of the kitties made me laugh... so funny
Very pretty stuff over here...I found you from Cindys sidebar. Ilove aqua too~looking forward to using it this year like you!
Pretties Christmas decor I have EVER seen!!
What a beautiful wintery wonderland!
So beautiful!!!
Love love love your blog and your style and your colors and your art!!!!
I am sending you a link to my newbie blog because I think you might enjoy the colors I use, too! I have posted about a bathroom remodel and a mini before and after shelf redo. I am sorry that I don't know how to link to the posts from my ipad....
Hope this works!
love your cloches and i would love to feature them, if that would be ok please let me know,
Christmas Decorative Bell Images
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