as my beachy freckles start to fade, so soon will our summery flowers.... with the impending first frost just around the corner...i went about snapping pictures of some of my gardens......before it is too late....

the pineapple sage is just peaking now, after waiting all season to bloom...the gorgeous tennessee hills in the background are showing their colors...sorry no blue sky this day, but rain is ALWAYS welcome.

the autumnal leaves are just screaming, "look at me, look at me...i'll soon be a memory......and a big pile to be raked and removed......enjoy me while you can!"

it is good to take pictures, yunno for the record, so as to not repeat this years mistakes....clearly seen here, is the damage the damn deer (yes, that is what i usually call them) have done to the sun coleus......i won't plant that next year, at this snack bar....a pretty snack bar, none the less.

the dragon wing begonia performed beautifully, despite the extreme heat and humidity.

sweet basil gone to seed....thanks for all the caprese salads.

the lantana look great now, but mid-summer were not faring well.

the new dawn rose putting on its last show.

"look at me".

these twin pots fared nicely with evergreens and ivy and vinca...never mind the puny petunias.

and the purple setcretia comes back every year and makes a pretty filler....i love how it has mingled with the fragrant lantana.

and here is my hubby doing some raking (he traded his beach toys in, for yard tools, poor guy).
the FIRST of the raking that is, as this is just the beginning, of the
of the
i turned the heat on for the first time today and have a chicken in the crock pot...it may be a soup night! o.k now i need to get back to my sudio to start acting like an artist....i have been going around telling people that i am going to do my very first art show in a few weeks....as if, by VERBALIZING it, will make it true?!?! am i really doing this?
it is kind of freaking me out.
a smidgen.
Well, verbalizing it is the first thing but I know from experience you have to actually have to pick up the brush, the pastel or your tool of choice. Put on a pot of tea and your favorite tunes and go through your inspiring photos ... it will come ...
So excited for you!
Oh! and beautiful photos of course! :)
Damn deer??? Damage??? I don't see it... but I do see beautiful gardens, abundant with colour, bit of a dream really... LOVE that picture with the little purple flower and the reds in the background.
Enjoy Fall!!!
I curse deer often myself. They eat my dragon leaf begonias to the ground, they grow a bit and then the deer come back and eat them again. Next year the begonias are going up on the deck and not in my little flower garden. My lavender lantana only blooms late in September and October and looked better this year for some reason. Your gardens are wonderful ad inspire me to dig deep and do better next time.
Your world always gets me so excited...such beauty.Your show will be amazing!Things always get done! hugs and thanks for some beauty today. xoxox
Thanks for sharing your pretty flowers and Fall color. Congratulation on your upcoming show - how exciting for you.
I had to break down and turn the heat on also and I am still shivering.
don't freak, breathe..close your eyes and see all the fall color and sip tea and nibble on cookies and paint... <3
Hi Erin....what a great pictures......enjoy autumn darling......love from me...xxx..
Beautiful colors and plants. I am surprised to see how many of the same ones we have. I am in central Florida but am a Tennessee girl - from way back. I usually make a trip to the Tri-Cities area about now. Your pictures make me wish I had this year!
Erin - you have the most amazing scenery outside your windows! Wow! Those hills are just beautiful! Congrats on the show, too! You'll do juuuuust fine, girlie! :)
xoxo laurie
Love all the color! Especially the lantana and setcretia, and the purple lantana in front of the pink lantana. At least I think that's what it is. So, so pretty. I bet you'll have an awesome show. Everybody's suggestions sound great. I cannot give any advice because I struggle with this ALL the time. BTW, I'm headed to the beach on Friday. Yippee!
Hope your soup was yummy!
Good morning, precious one. Your world is simply stunning and this has got to be my second favorite season, with Spring being my first. But the smell of leaves, the colors that are hanging on for dear life, are part of the beauty of death and rebirth in our seasons....blessings to you erin! Anita
I love all the color - so gorgeous and beautiful ;O)
Hope you enjoy the upcoming weekend.
That is the secret. Speak your intentions and they will be made known to you. Go forth and create art and beauty. Your show will be fabulous! Gorgeous images here today. Wishing you a fabulous Friday and a wonderful weekend. Tammy
I honestly did not see any deer damage! The flowers are all just gorgeous. If only my flowers looked as lovely!
I didn't know the name of the purple flower with the lantana. I use it in everything because it comes back :)
We had our first frost and I brought my mums in for a few nights.
Paint lots of goodies!
Oh Erin your Tennessee is gorgeous! That is one state I want to see in person. one of my great-great-greats (and then some) was the first governor of that beautiful state and much of my family is from there. I would love to go walk where they walked and see those lovely mountains for myself.
Your gardens are so amazing. Seeing them through your lens is a real pleasure.
Our main property here is an acre and the garden beds take up about a third of that, so I consider it small and manageable, but I long for more. I can see many things in your garden that I would love to be able to grow here and yet our winters are too harsh.
Thank yo so much for coming by to visit my own Fall garden.
yes, you're really doing this...xxx
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