can i be honest? this 50+ gal feels totally overwhelmed every April....spring comes to all my client's gardens at the very same time.......the physical demands of my job can be painful....there is not enough time in the day.......the eagerness to please is immense.... my perfectionistic ways must be battled.........painting in my studio is on hold..... and i certainly don't give myself enough credit (or so i have been told)......
and find immense beauty there...
You do marvelous work, it is evident in your photography. Give yourself a pat on the back. You are inspiring and spread beauty all around you :) That is a true gift. Have a great weekend.
It is all so abundant. Gorgously abundant . A talent you are Erin!
Your work is exquisite!!! Your gardening and your photography ... I am envious!
You should give yourself a pat on the back!
I have been on the search for a new camera and you know I adore your photography. Would you please let me know what kind you have?
Oh my sweet friend..such beauty you create! You inspire me to get out and get going in my own little backyard. Sending you oodles of Springtime love in your pretty little gardens. xoxoxo hugs
Three thumbs up for your gardening, photography and painting. Way up.
And my fourth thumb is up for your link about giving photo credit.
I bet you are very busy this time of the year. Your photos are beautiful.
Thanks for the link - I plan to go back and read more of it when have more time.
Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
Breathtaking Erin! Your talents run deep.. Your gardening and painting are so intertwined. A true love for nature and beauty.
Three CHEERS for you!
I can't even imagine how sore you must get! I definitely think a lot of credit is due you and money, I imagine! Your work is breathtaking! Hugs and rest from,
I love your job too...and you are fantastic at it. Give yourself a break, you deserve it! Happy Sunday.
Yes, the idea of the tumblr credit is difficult, and when I find photos from certain blogs that give credit as tumblr, I have no choice but to just give credit to tumblr. It is hard and I have often wondered about stopping my blog for the reason that I am a horrible photographer and have no pictures of my own. I use photos as writing prompts, but maybe I need to find another venue for my writing...thank you Erin for this...I will have to try harder to find the original source...Anita
Dearest Erin,
Do you know of a GOOD source of photo credit ETIQUETTE that is a standard for blogging? If so, could you let me know? Of course, common sense tells you to give credit, but with the problem of finding photos that already don't have adequate resource information, what then? HOW then do we appropriately cite, and who has the standard procedure...I really would like to know, because I DO NOT want to be a blogger that violates anyone's art. Anita
Wonderful pictures! I feel your pain about the job thingy! Sometimes I wander why I do what I do. It's the most back breaking work I have ever done in my life, but then by brain gets flooded with thoughts of how much I LOVE my job! I get so much satisfaction from what I do and at the age of 50 we deserve to be happy! Have a great Sunday and try not to work to hard.
I SOOOOO agree with your link! I understand the whole sharing thing amongst bloggers but it's not right to steal someones ART! without crediting.
Erin you MUST give yourself more credit, these are gorgeous and heavenly!! What a wonderful job to have, especially after a long winter, to create such beauty. :)
so tickled to hear 'chasing pavements'. i just accompanied my future dil for a one woman concert at our local playhouse and this was one of her songs. love it.
your gardens are beauties. such a wonderful job you have. very hard work but what a payoff!
Erin, your work is beyond beautiful, each area is so unique and just stunning, along with very inspirational. I can work all day in my yard, and have all these beautiful ideas in my head, but for some reason, they just don't come out the way I would like. You are so very talented.
God Bless...
My gosh your garden is paradise which I would not ever leave, amazing.
Your Labor Of Love in the Garden is quite evident... you deserve the credit, give yourself a hearty pat on the back, it's enchanting!
Dawn... The Bohemian
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