i hate to complain.
this endless heat wave...
well it is
i had heard of this danger... but being the tough, rather physically fit, perhaps a little stubborn, active, outdoorsy type ...
well, i over did it yesterday and became dehydrated and was probably close to heat exhaustion.
don't worry, i learned my lesson.
record 100 degree heat +high humidity=playing inside.
too hot to even take photos outside...the lens fogs up (ew) and i start sweating.
(double ew.)
so i quickly cut some Diamond Frost Euphorbia from my window box and brought it inside to

luckily, we have been getting some rain and there are lots of bloomy blooms and tons of butterflies right now!! at least something to view out the window.
thank goodness for photoshop and my blog and all of you!
how fun it is for me to play with my photos and learn more about the computer everyday.
i am constantly surprised at the rewards this blog has given to my life...
and how addicting it can be!
thank you all so much for your input on my mantel.
i'll most likely take Mr. Lee's advice and paint it white with a glaze over top.
i want you to know how much it means to me that you take the time to read my blog and leave comments and heck, even if you don't leave a comment...
i love thinking you are out there somewhere peeking at my little slice of bloggy.
thank you
thank you
thank you
keep cool.
i'll be playing inside.
Someone taught you long ago how to play very quietly, very sweetly, and with such care.
The photos ..they be a killin' me..that bird's nest in the header, sleeping kitty, little birdies.
well at least you're killing me softly...
now don't do that heat exhaustion thing again, cause then you're a scarin' me. ;-0
oh erin you couldn't keep me away??? i'm crazy for diamond frost...it's so easy, doesn't make a mess,draught tolerant and WHITE!
It's so easy to forget the drink enough water while you're running around so please be careful.
what would i do without you???
ps...gorgeous pictures
thank YOU for all the beauty you show us. from the gardens you bring life to, your lovely paintings, inspirational photos, heck to even kitty porn, I just love it all. :)
I'm glad to hear you played indoors today. That heat is brutal right now...
Have a lovely weekend Erin!
O Erin...what a beautiful pictures !!! i love them.......wishing you a happy day inside the house.......enjoy yourself....hugs from me.....Ria....
pretty, pretty pictures! love the little white birds.
thank you for your sweet inspirational blog!
have the loveliest weekend
Oh Erin, how could we miss a single post? You always share the most beautiful things - and I love your playful humor. :)
Stay cool & have fun indoors!
~ Z
You can make the smallest and simplest things beautiful with your talented eye for composition. I love the new header too! Please be careful and stay cool. My SIL works outside all day long in this. It's definitely a concern. Thanks for the beauty!
Your pictures are so gorgeous!
Summers in Kuwait are always spent indoors. Thank goodness for our 6 weeks in the States as we could go outside every day any time of the day. Daytime temps in the 90's didn't bother me since our nite time temps are in the 90's. Definitely staying indoors now but getting a lot of crafting done. I should be organizing and cleaning. Nah, I'll stick with the fun stuff. Beautiful, gorgeous, lovely photos! Best wishes, Tammy
Fog on the lens...that´s real hot!!!
I like the heat, but in normal doses, it can really get to much of it!
We´ve been having some rain , these last two weeks, and I really don´t mind. It´s so refreshing!
I feel just the same about the blog!
It has given me so much joy and happiness!
I´m so happy I found you and all of my other blog friends!
Don´t know what I would have done without you many times! It´s wonderful to have all the feedback!
Thank YOU!
Have a wonderful weekend, playing inside =)!
Hello! Thanks for joining me for Friday Pretties. And, this post is certainly full of Pretties!!! Your photographs are so beautiful.
Have a wonderful, and I hope, cool weekend,
How funny is your kitty with that swan? Our pets can be so quirky. :)
Hey Erin
You need to be more careful out there in that heat missy!!! I'll make you a deal.. you drink more water and I won't stand on chairs.. oh.. well at least I will try not..
Well I am totally jealous of all that beautiful light you get inside... fabulous.. and you have captured is wonderfully.. as I would expect...
Take care.. and have a wonderful weekend.. xxx Julie
Looks like time well spent. Yep it's beyond hot here too. 104 degrees today. It just takes your breath away when you walk outside.
thanks for your well wishes Erin....I really appreciate it! and I too am 'done with' the heat!! bring on the fall weather I say.....
Oooooh! Erin,
so thankful that you found me and commented on my post. This way I could find you!
I too love your art and the photo's take my breath away!!
Love your music list, Your header name is soulful, you have a peaceful place I will want to visit often :)
I am your new follower as well!
See you sonn new art friend.
Keep inspiring us.
Sweet Erin, the heat did not affect your picture-taking-skills at all. These pics are amazingly stunning!
I will send a cool cool coooooool breeze your way, do you feel it coming? We are enjoying perfect weather, at least i think it perfect. Not too cold, not too hot, just perfect. Walking through blog land is a happy walk, each and every time. To get inspired or to just admire some gorgeous pictures, like yours.
Hope your weekend is a bit cooler. Lots of hugs and breezes your way! xxx
Outdoors or indoors your photos are a delight! You're welcome!!!
Just beautiful photos!!!!
Have a nice new week,
Hugs, Yvonne
Your photo's are so incredibly soft and sweet! I am glad I found your blog!
I was having a conversation with Carole M about diamond frost and she directed me here. I love it, the deer don't!
Beautiful pics!
The heat hit LA a couple of days ago and my apartment is a sauna. Only one AC and it's in the bedroom far from the computer so I have been a little MIA online.
Anyway... love these beautiful dreamy photos! The beautiful shades of white, the clear glass, the flowers and birds ... very "crystally" or something. See, the heat! No brain!
Hope you are well Erin!
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