good tree!?

it's cold outside!! record cold.
dress warm, sweeties when you go out for
the fresh air...
that i know you need.
you know it too.
with all the holiday work behind me now... i am so looking forward to hunkering down and spending long winter days
in my studio.
paint brush in hand.
no sense
of time.
the anticipation
of something good,
exhilarating and scary.
good scary.
wow....you do love trees and they are beautiful !
and wow...it really is cold, isn't it...like insanely cold !
lots of layers and naps tend to help me with the chills....and blankets and socks and hot tea and the fireplace.....
The trees are beautiful! It is really cold here too! Enjoy yourself and paint away!
Wow, Erin. Again your photos are so beautiful. I love the photo of the moss on the roots and the reflection in the lake. My favorite is the tree hug! Fabulous! Stay cozy.
Hey Erin
I LOVE a good tree too... not even sure why but it gives you a nice safe feeling ...like Grandfather tree is there to protect you... I once had 'my tree' which I used to visit daily and lean against and read... it was the best part of my day.. [it must be my Taurean nature]
And I love all your gorgeous photos today.... mesmerizing me once again. I had to laugh though at the last image... the 2nd last did not come up immediately so the last one was lost on me for a moment. Amazing though... that tree does so look like a body and legs... haha
Take care Dear Erin... and keep warm... or come over here it summer!!
xxx Julie
The moss covered roots and the snow covered branches are beautiful. But the pic that really knocked me out was the first blue water reflection. THAT is awesome!
I hope you get a break in the weather soon!
Lovely, lovely shots. And OK - so it is safe to say that I am literally a tree hugger. I actually walk around our land stopping every once and a while to hug one of these big, beautiful trees. :)
Enjoy your time creating!
Beautiful Photos! Thanks for sharing them with us.
Yes - it is cold! To cold for me and they said it is going to get worse.:( I am ready for 75 - 80 degree weather.
Very inspiring for me..beautiful post..beautiful photos :)
I love trees too... so much. Fun post.
so wonderful erin! Love the leg tree:)) haha! i thought that's what it looked like before seeing your legs! the one before that one facsinated me too. then i realized it was shot the other way and the fibers were roots...very cool!
Trees, especially big old ones are so majestic. I love these images.
Good luck in the studio, sounds perfect.
Erin, love your photos! Breathtaking! Especially love the trees in the water with all the shadows!! Happy New Year to you!
Trees are so mysterious! I love everything about them...
I was out photographing trees and alleys, the other day. Unfortunatley, it was so cold I couldn´t continue. My fingers froze so much it hurt =/
It´s so , so cold... I read the newspaper today, and it said that this is like a mini ice age... I don´t want to know how a real ice age is...
We´ve had -40 celcius, here in northern Sweden, in Stockholm it has "only" been -19, hehe...
Wish you the best!
Your tree photos are breathtaking!
~Love this post
What a great eye you have for capturing what others never see. Your photographs never cease to amaze me!
I'm sure you have lots of inspirations for your winter painting sabatical before the spring madness for you begins. Can't wait to see them already! Also, thank you for putting a few of your paintings "On Loan" to the Young Gallery in Hermitage. They are very much appreciated for their fine work and the memories they evoke.
Had a great time celebrating ringing in the new year with you and Dan. I love good trees too! Our friendship is like a tree and it continues to grow strong enough to lean on. Thanks for being my friend, you little sap(ling)!
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