we are falling in love.........
she is adorable,
please help us name her.
we have come up with...
oreo (already had a cat named this)
eartha kit kat (for obvious reasons)
and many cute names for boy kitty's like...
and jack sparrow...
we are leaning towards
DAISY (for the bovine similarities and my love of flowers).
what do you think?
kit-ten (pronounced with the emphasis on ten).
ya...real original, i know.
it has been confusing, not having a name for the little bit and referring to her by "kitten" and calling the old guy "kitten" too!
please help us with suggestions!
thank you!
now, i am off to get some things done before she wakes from her snuggly cat nap.........
it's lovely having a little baby in the house.
Awww! Look at that adorable little face. I have not had a cat in years due to allergy issues and bad luck with the last 2 that I had. I had a cat named Oreo years ago, and my daughter's cat is an Oreo. My Sister just adopted 2 new kitties.
Oh, so adorable! Well, I'm off on a jet plane. Thought I'd give my two cents worth since I'm going to have NO internet access till next Sunday! AHHHHHHHHHHH! We had a calico named Daisy. It's a purrrfect kitty name. My MIL has had Daphne and Bridget. Cute girlie names. Have fun with her. Makes for adorable pictures. I had a post about Bridget way back in October, I think. Cute, cute, cute!
Your new family member is GORGEOUS!!!!!
I love cats, have one my own! Her name is Nessie, just like the Lochness monster...hehe. But she is our little baby. We´ve had her since she was 8 weeks , today the "donna" is 11 years, and a big lady!
I have no ideas for names, sorry... But I´ve heard they listen to names with two S:es in, like NeSSie,more careful, and it seems to be right...
Good luck with your new baby!
Congratulations! Maybe Angie? :)
Oh just look at that sweet face~ It must have been love at first sight! I have two boy cats that are actually more like two old men. It's a real treat to see them playing once in a while.
What to name her? Sheesh, that's a hard one: Maybe Beatrice? Delilah? Poopy-doop?? Hahahaaa! Nothing will take away from her cuteness no matter what you call her.
Good Luck :+D
Oh shes just tooooo cute. Kittens are ALL cute.
How about Emma? or Emmy? Emma sounds more docile. Emmy sounds mischievous.
Anyhow. Shes a baby furball cutiepie. Thanks for spreading all that cuteness over blogland.
She is precious! I just love my kitties. My black and white kitties name is Willow. I call her Willow my pillow. Don't know why. She's just fluffy and soft and I'm silly. Daisy sounds sweet.
How cute! Meadow or Willow are two names that I like for pets. I watched a show last night and the girl's name was Lux. I thought that was an interesting name. :)
She is adorable...Love the name daisy (like maisie too)
We have a little "hurricane "cat (came to us after a hurricane, starving and displaced. We named her Sushi....because she looks like our old cat Sascha!
o.k...this is too weird...i just suggested to my hubby the name WILLOW and came to the computer to find two different denises' suggesting the same thing!! i am liking WILLOW, but might have to work on the hubby who said it sounds too hippie like? thanks for all the suggestions everyone! btw... fancy fodder's suggestions cracked me up! "poopy-doop"! too funny.
How preciously cute is this little kitty!!! Love Jack Sparrow - cracks me up. Love zoro, too. Good luck picking a name! It'll be purr-fect whatever you pick!! LOL
I love her little pink nose! She is a cutie! What about "Ellie"? Kind of like "Ellen". Then you could say "Ellie-belle". We call Fritz all kinds of names and add-ons. He brings us so much love and joy.
I hear Dan won Fritz over by feeding him potato chips! : )
She's just breathtaking....Daisy rolls easy off the tongue so that's good...you could do another word play and call her QT....
She's beautiful! For a name, well, perhaps her personality may suggest a name? Or the coloring on her back? She will tell you!
I am SO excited for you! there is nothing better then a new kitten! Seeing the two of them together reminds of when ours were little.
I love the name Daisy! It's simple and sweet. We used to name our cats after flowers.
If you decide later you don't like the name you can always give them nicknames!
How about Old Geezer? No?
Maybe she is a "Lily?"
"Willow" reminds me of Willow on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Which is actually why I like it! I know, I'm such a dork! lol! Seriously, I think it's sweet. I like Daisy too though. Hmm, I'm not really helping, am I?!
She's a doll. Congratulations on your new baby!
I think she is adorable!!! Kittens are so much fun. We have 2 cats in our house and they are such a comfort when you feel bad. They can bring a smile to your face when nothing else can.
I like Daisy for baby kitty.
She is too cute! Give her a big hug from me.
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