the ice on the pond this morning announces the frigid air and an excuse to stay inside...

the wrapping has begun and snippets of beautiful ribbons from past presents have been located and are being reused.

a happy opportunity for Kitten to play in the tissue.

as we know, all to well...
it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays.
and we forget about the SIMPLE BEAUTY and PEACE which is all around us.

my gift to you is...
a reminder.
and permission...

to slow down...
look closer to what is right in front of you...enjoy the simple things that are nearby.

sunlight hitting the front porch.

handmade angels wrought from only "found items".
such as gourds from my garden, old linens culled from a barn and tallow berries.

unpretentious vignettes.

a stocking made from an old chenille blanket with a cuff made from a vintage table cloth.

another simple stocking with vintage buttons lovingly sewn.

potential crafting items, even the scissors were purchased at a flea market.

reflections of another time.

a slower, simpler, peaceful time.

my gift to you...
Dear Erin
Thank you for this gift of Peace.. and for all the gifts you have given me all year. Your gorgeous photography and paintings. Your charming and beautiful spirit.. and the gift of friendship.. the most valued gift of them all..
Have a wonderful time wrapping with kitty!! xx Julie [i'm thinking of trying to get a little crafty before xmas now i have time.. wish me luck]
A lovely post, Thank you for your gift!
Thank you dearest for your precious gift. Think we often make the mistake of thinking the 'peace' is an external thing...when it's a personal thing...a way of being and loving - oneself and others...
Wow, how beautiful!!! Thank you for a lovely way to end my day!
Blessings to you for the holidays.
I love this reminder of simple beauty and peace...and loved that kitty photo! :)
Thanks for Your visit at my blog! Love Your paintings and your home! We seem to have a lot in common. I try to slow down and cut away the too commersial christmas that´s in town. I want to get to the "core" of what christmas is all about. And for us up here in the viking territory that is not just the celebration of the birth of Jesus. Our ancesters celebrated midvinterfeasts thousands of years before christ. So a lot of good food and lots to drink is an really old tradition! ;D. And I try not to spend money on things we really don´t need...OK the fleamarket is an exception but that´s recycling!!
I wish You a natural and peaceful chistmas!
Oh...and I´ll pop over to follow Your blog!
Dear Erin!
Thank you for reminding me of slowing down and find the simpleness ,in front of me... I almost forgot...
I love your images. They are wonderful!
Have a lovely weekend.
Erin... this post was beautiful. Thank you for the gift :)
The simple things are my favorites. Those little gourd angels are the sweetest. I've never seen any thing like those.
I need to take your advice and slow down....i'm heading out to a small party and though I really want to go I need to be ready for the weekend. Ugh work! Always gets in the way of my fun!
I need to come back tomorrow and look more closely at all the posts I missed. I saw a lot of things I have too......we have SO much in common....but I already knew that!
Have a good night!!!!
I'm up this morning before anyone else and reading your post in the quiet of the morning and it is such a blessing. I have a full house now, you know, and your beautiful post is exactly what I needed before the hustle of the day begins. Just love your photos and your words! Have a wonderful simple Christmas!
Erin ....all of your pictures are wonderful, inspiring and original...but!!! those angels are just...well wonderful I could not help but just look and look, what a beautiful post , I am so glad to know about your lovely blog.
Hugs Lynn xxxx
You have a blessed gift, my dear!
Loving your choice of music, too!
Dear Erin,
loved your post today! I've been catching up with what you've been up too and loved every single piece!!! Your house looks amazing! Loved your very special chandelier! I have one over my kitchen table that is very similar! Mine is all white! The result is gorgeous! Great idea!
Thanks for your kind words over on my blog! Hope you have a happy christmas!
Exhale...Oh Erin! Thank you. I finally had a moment to stop & catch my breath this morning. And your blog is such a sweet little respite, more than filling the void of Country Home's loss. Only now I'm mourning...this is the first year in how long that I haven't experienced all the little joys of your home in person...one of my favorite Christmas treats. How did that happen? Steroids?? Eagleville?
Your post reminded me to ponder one of my most favorite quotes, by one of my most favorite quoters...."Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air,drink the drink,taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each. Let them be your only diet drink and botanical medicines."
-Henry David Thoreau
Lovely post, Erin. I love all your images. Your kitty is a darling. Mine have been in my wrapping paper and sacks having a wonderful time all day!
Have a wonderful, blessed Christmas!
Color me in love with this post and your blog, and a new "Follower". And excuse me a second as I add your blog to my blogroll.
OK. I'm back. Thank you so much for visiting my little blog and leaving a comment. I look forward to visiting you often!
This is a lovely post, and sweet sentiment.
Love your angels, and your leaf 'skeletons'.
barbara jean
PS I'm glad i found you.
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