My friend, Ellen has the coolest Ivy on her front entrance...

where most people would be prone to trim it back, Ellen is letting it grow and look at the results...

old park benches have settled in on either side...

with perfect, graceful, scrolley arms ...

ivy growing on the fronts of the steps, Charleston style...yes!

reaching to the ceiling...this stuff knows where it wants to go.

view from inside, through her antique door found in France...

it's as if the ivy is reaching its arms out and pointing the way to the front door...and if you sit on the old bench for too long, she might just wrap her arms around you. If you are lucky, that is.

Ellen, I love, love this! and would not change a thing!
thanks for the highlight on your blog. your blog gives me such delight everyday! I missed it while you were on vaca. keep doing what you now best gardening and painting and sharing it with the world. you have a special touch. ellen
I love the look too. It's so gracious the way it leads you to the door. Her's is very contained compared to ours. Ours is growing all over the floor of our porch. I've left it because in the fall I take cuttings of it.
The plant you were asking about is valerian. It gets to be 7-8 tall and reseeds everywhere but I love it.
Thanks for your visit!
That is wild! I've never seen it like that. Does she clear out the spots for the steps? Or no clearing whatsoever?
Looks likea beautiful home!
Oh my gosh! Now this is the type of garden I miss!! A magic filled place of plants and wonder!
I LOVE all of the pictures. So romantic and beautiful!
Thanks for sharing.
Come and visit my Blog if you get a chance!
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