i am getting ready to head back to the beach, and i have been working really hard this week, to get my clients gardens put in order........although my body is aching in places that i'd rather not speak of...ahem.....
i thought it would be so nice to return to a very autumnal house....and so i pushed myself today.......when i should have been resting these old bones (did i just say that out loud?)....pushed myself..... to spiffy up the front and back porches.......
that is...after i spent the morning shopping for a new refrigerator! apparently the OLD one needs a new compressor and the vote is in....it is better to buy a brand new fridge than keep on repairing the old one.
why is stainless steel so much more expensive??? is it because that is what we all want? and we will fork out the money for it??
it is so unfair.
i added a black crow to the wreath that i made last year.
but not as much as i am adoring my old screen door! the first thing i do in the morning, even before making the coffee, is open the front door, so the kitty's can lay in the morning sun. little miss daisy has gotten so used to this ritual, that now, if the door is not open, she will lay on her back in front of the door.....paws outstretched and pointing to the door. cats are soooo subtle.
the screen door gets me in trouble though......hubby comes home and mumbles something about having all the doors open with the air conditioner running....oops.
i need to remember to close the doors BEFORE he gets home.
i am joining Rhoda at southern hospitality blog
by the way...i went for the stainless steel...it arrives tomorrow.
now...i could use your support on something.
i have heard that all appliances should match??
suddenly, my black dishwasher, stove and oven (which i thought looked so cool 10 years ago), well, they aren't going to look so good now sitting in the same room as my new stainless steel fridge.
am i right?
come on...we SUPPORT each other, right?
i just need to let my hubby know what all you smart bloggers think about this....
on another note...
a big shout out and lots of LOVE and PRAYERS to two of my favorite people.
my bestie jen (one of the most active people i know of), broke one foot and one ankle last week. she was jumping over some groceries...long story.
and Mr. lee (God love him) had a brain anurism.
both are doing spectacularly well!!
i love you guys!