Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Falls Fleeting Fire

Autumn is ablaze, in all its glory!

Except for the fourth image...all fiery photos were taken today. We still have not had a deep frost and are enjoying warm days. Days to go outside and absorb as much beauty and color as we can, as it will not last much longer. The ephemeral foliage makes me anxious and sad. One season ending, coming to a close. Gardening slowing down which leaves me much more time for my art......

and facing the blank canvas.
for more outdoor fun go to


Glenda/MidSouth said...

Great Fall color - Thanks for sharing. I had hoped to got out and look for more Fall colors the last couple of days to photograph, but other things going on.
Hope you are having a great week.

Donna said...

Love the pics! You take the most gorgeous pictures. Love the barn!
We have had sooo much rain today there's probably not ANY leaves left here!
Thanks for sharing

Carole said...

Erin we must be on the same brainwave I was looking around at all the red maples on my drive to work thinking I wonder if I'm bold enough to stop in some strangers yard and take a picture of the their maples. I wasn't!!! I'm glad I got my fix here! We've had a light frost and many of the leaves have fallen now. We were watching the last few fall today.....looked sad but somehow so romantic floating to the ground.
The barn is wonderful and the way you captured the fence is poetry!
I'm just about to go home so now I can have your images to ponder on my drive back.
Good night!

debra@dustjacket said...

Erin they are so so beautiful. I've said it before, but you live in a gorgeous place... and it kinda helps that you fab with a camera.

Quilt Works said...

Wow, what colors! Fall is fantastic!

Gondola rides .... in Boston!

Gwendolyn L said...

How beautiful. Out leaves are mostly gone up here in Michigan. I really like the composition in the first pic. Great job. Thanks for sharing.

LV said...

I have been to your part of the world many times, but never when all these trees were so pretty. I have never seen such lovely reds, and you really did great on taking the pictures. Lovely, lovely post.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful autumn colors and great photos.

Laura @ The Shabby Rabbit said...

Wow! Beautiful! You take the most amazing photos! I'm so glad you share them with us!!!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

My, this is absolutely stunning! Such beautiful, beautiful images. And I adore Eva Cassidy.

Happy Outdoor Wednesday...

Sheila :-)

Mary Bergfeld said...

What glorious color! Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful photos with us. Have a great Outdoor Wednesday.

Light and Voices said...

Fall is my favorite time of the year. Your photographs explains why.
Joyce M

Kat said...

Your photos are spectacular. The colors are really breathtaking. That blazing red tree against the blue sky is just beautiful. Kathy

Jeanne said...


Chicago Chic said...

Wow!!! Amazing.

Ms. Bake-it said...

Absolutely stunning! What fabulous color! Thank you very much for sharing it with us!

~ Tracy