
Thursday, December 30, 2010


i don't do formal new years resolutions......
but i do switch gears now from gardener to artist......
as the holiday bits and bobs get tucked away,
the junk from 2010 hidden...

my studio cleared of all unessentials.
blank canvases waiting.
older paintings too, that i will be revisiting and finishing.

paintings, that i told my songwriter friend, were "my bad paintings".
he told me something that really struck a chord with me.......

he said,
"they aren't BAD paintings,
they just aren't FINISHED."

a good way to look at life in general,
i think.
perhaps something you have deemed "bad"
is not bad at all....
but just "not finished"?
i look forward to
finishing lots of things in the new year.
how about you??

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


~ my dream of a white christmas came true~

~i am content~

~i am full~

~i've had a splendid sufficiency~
i hope all your dreams come true.......
enjoy your last week of 2010!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

my christmas card to you...

May your walls know JOY;
May every room hold LAUGHTER
and every window open to GREAT POSSIBILITY.
------maryanne radmacher-hershey 1995

all JOY tags handmade by my dear blog friend, suzan at oldgreymare blog.......thank you, sweety!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

ellie is home!

oh JOY!
my sweet friends,
she has returned!
we are so happy and relieved.
the not knowing was tearing us apart,
and we will probably never really know the details of her adventure. there remains some unanswered questions, but
all that matters is that this sweet 8 year old dog has found her way back to us.
i have been overwhelmed with your concern and prayers for her safety.
thank you so very much.
this internet is a powerful thing indeed and i am deeply touched.
at this time of year, when the most special holiday is here, i am filled with HOPE and FAITH from your outpouring for this doggie.
my heart is light now.
what a wonderful christmas present.
thank you.
erin elizabeth

Sunday, December 19, 2010

ellie is missing...

my heart is heavy.
i am afraid and feel helpless.
our neighbor phoned this morning to inform us that
ellie is missing.
although, not technically our dog.
we love her as if she is part of our family.

this loyal sweet lab never treads further than our property away.
she was healthy and happy yesterday when she stopped by for her daily cookies
and an ear rub.

something is terribly wrong.
signs have been hung.
calls made.
she is missing.

she is missed.

we are looking for you sweet ellie.

keeping the light on for you.
come home to us.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

christmas around the house...

time to share more christmas decor around the house......
because.......... well frankly .......
christmas 2010 is almost here!
are you ready?

and my favorite decoration.........
is right outside the window.
come join the fun.
kath g.........please e-mail me with your e-mail address. thanks.