
Saturday, September 29, 2012

hello friend.

 i had the most wonderful time last weekend,
 in atlanta!!
 oh boy, can we girls talk!
and talk and talk....
giggle too.
 my budding friendship with amy,
this past year, 
has brought me such unexpected joy.
luv you, girlie!
 and getting to know her adorable sister, last weekend,
is a huge bonus....
like the powdered sugar,
 sprinkled on the strawberry crepes!
 yunno, how friendships can be...
some of them come and go.
some of them last a life time.
some deep, some shallow.
 there have been times in my life, where i have felt......well,
 friend lonely.
but not right now.
 oh no...
right now,
the chandy is lit and the flowers are a bloom!
in fact,
that chandy is a sparklin.


p.s.  all photos were taken at a baby shower in atlanta hosted by helen....i just love the flower arrangements she pulled together....she is an artist, gardener and photographer, who has bunnies in her basement....MY kinda gal.


  1. sounds wonderful, erin. i am a lonely soul so like you, i appreciate those seasons where love is in full bloom with friendship.

    gorgeous images!


  2. Sounds like you had a great time with your friend ! Thanks bunches for sharing those beautiful flowers!!
    Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
    Overcast most of day here and temps very enjoyable.

  3. Girlfriends and sisters, if you are lucky to have one, are so important to keep close!
    Love your pretty photos as always. Love that you share your happiness!

  4. It just warms my heart hearing you so happy, Erin! Good girlfriends...girlfriends who really "get" you...girlfriends who love you to your toes...can be so difficult to find. I'm happy that you are surrounded by so much love!!! :)

    xoxo laurie

  5. hello dearie <3

    You sound so happy which makes me happy and then I make someone else happy and it all comes around again. <3 <3

    btw - YAYA! last sale EVER is OVER woot woot

  6. What a wonderful weekend you have had.. I can tell you are just tickled pink! So good to have a friend to spend time with and just have fun.
    Photos are beautiful Erin.

  7. You hit the nail on the head with this post! Nothing refreshes the soul better than time spent with your girls o' the heart.

    Love the photo of the sparkling chandy. :@

  8. How wonderful to have a friendship like that in your life. Cherish it. The flower arrangements are sooooo beautiful and special.

  9. once again another gorgeous post.....!!!

  10. So happy you have made these special connections, Erin. I just know you are a wonderful friend to have. Sparkles all around! And, yay, my favorite of your headers is back! :). Xoxo

  11. I LOVE that big centerpiece under the sparkly chandelier! What an interesting and beautiful combination of colors! So glad to hear you had fun with girlfriends. Girlfriends are one of God's best gifts, I think.

  12. Ah Erin - gorgeous photos - know what you mean about friend lonely too. Sometimes friends move on for no apparent reason just life or a change in circumstances makes them drift away. So glad you have found someone to really have fun with and enjoy her company.

  13. beautiful arrangements! And you (of course!) took beautiful photos of them. Glad you are feeling the friend blessing. There are few greater blessings than friends!

  14. beautiful arrangements! And you (of course!) took beautiful photos of them. Glad you are feeling the friend blessing. There are few greater blessings than friends!

  15. beautiful arrangements! And you (of course!) took beautiful photos of them. Glad you are feeling the friend blessing. There are few greater blessings than friends!


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