
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

doily bowls

during our rainy weekend, i had loads of fun making some Doily Bowls, from old vintage crochet pieces i had laying around. you know, those stacks of beautiful handmade pretties that you don't know what to do with, but you hold onto, because someone long ago, took the time to hand make them, and they are so frilly and delicate and beautiful.

yikes, talk about a run on sentence! i was inspired by this lovely bowl (above), that my friend Shacina gifted to me a couple of years ago......she found it at the ever inspiring Anthropology store (love Anthro)......we use it to hold our paper napkins and little miss daisy has taken a cat nap or two in it. i just love it. it sits in the middle of our kitchen table where i see it everyday.
o.k. so, did i mention, i was "inspired"?!

Easter Bunny take note!

all you need is a round-ish doily, preferably the thicker crochet type, dip it into ordinary school glue, wring it out a little (so nostalgic to feel and smell the glue again), and form the doily over an up-side-down bowl (i covered the bowls first with Press and Seal), wait a couple of days til good and dry, and gently pry off. really easy! i promise.
i like to think i am honoring the women who made these vintage pieces. it is better to give new life into something old, than just hide it away on a shelf.

don't you think?



Friday, March 25, 2011

settling in.......

after a spectacular start to Springtime here in Tennessee,
the rain and cooler temps have settled in for the weekend.......
as will i.......
"settle in", that is.

i have been working my little gardening tail off lately
and "settling in" to some studio time this weekend,

is welcome

surrounded by things that i love and inspire me.........
the color blue.

good lighting.

a comfy place to set awhile.

i feel inspired.

i leave you,
with this little baby Blue Jay, sitting against my garage today.
too young to fly. mommy must be close by. picture taken quickly, as to not disturb.
now, if this beautiful little creature isn't inspiring, i don't know what is!
Happy Weekend!
I am still working on my "Pay it Forward" gifts........they should be in the mail next week!! thank you for playing along!

o.k. Nanner, this is for you, since you "miss my face".
i miss yours too.

Monday, March 21, 2011

pay it forward.

the news of the world is grim right now.

we all need an escape.

we all need to feel good.

i feel good when i give.

i got this idea of "paying it forward" from my friend Suzan's blog, Old Grey Mare
and jumped at the fun opportunity.

Here's how it works....
The first five people who comment on this blog post will receive a handmade gift from me.
In return, you must FIRST write a blog post explaining Pay It Forward 2011. Then.... send out a handmade gift to the first 5 visitors who leave a comment on your post. Take your don't need to send them all today or tomorrow.
This is such a sweet way to connect with friends or meet new ones, by sharing things we create with our hearts.
"It's not the size of the gift that matters, but the spirit
of paying it forward."

Happy Spring!



Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Erin go braugh!

~An Old Irish Blessing~

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
"Erin go Braugh"
Ireland Forever.
Happy St. Patty's Day to you!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

where there is light.....

there is
sending prayers
for our brothers and sisters in

Monday, March 7, 2011

buttercup yellow-licious...

~ this weekend, i brought in some fresh yellow flowers from the garden~
early daffodils
icefollies daffodils, my faves
and bradford pear branches

~i had fun dressing the fireplace mantel with a spring-time look.
~i hung an old lantern from one of the beams and arranged pretty flowers in the three white vases on the left
~pretty pleased with the results, the arrangement became even better when my daughter arrived from memphis bearing the super cool vase on the right!

such a wonderful and really perfect birthday present!!
thank you ash and anthropology! love, love, LOVE

~i love the faux bois (that's fancy french talk for false wood) texture and little branchy arm
~super cute, isn't it?

~thank y'all
(that's fancy southern drawl talk, for you all)
so very much for my birthday wishes
~"y'all" in my real life
and "y'all" in my bloggy life too!
thank you.
mmmi hope there is something blooming in your life too!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

is it a dream?

~spring greens
~buttercup yellows
~sky blues.......

wet paint...

more wet paint...

~dreams really do come true~
~how absotootly scrumptious
~that the sunny little daffodils show their happy faces for my birthday!
it is spring-like here in tennessee.
i have been so busy,
spending time playing outside in the gardens,
and in the studio......
lots of fun planned for the weekend.
have you been