
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

dragon wing begonia...

i have been very busy putting my gardens to bed for the winter...
with an impending deep frost in a couple of days,
i went to one of my clients gardens with full intention of pulling up the
dragon wing begonias.........

i just couldn't do it.
out of respect.
they are too beautiful.
the frost will have to nip them
before i do.
these gems have been gorgeous all summer long,
and even now in november,
they make my heart sing.....
note to self...
did really well this year.
plant lots more of these
next spring!
all photos taken today, NOVEMBER 2nd!!!
enjoy these days
while you can, my friends.


  1. Can't blame you Erin. I would not have pulled them up either. Love that bee pic! I planted pansies today. Hope my bunnies don't eat them.

  2. Oh they are beautiful Erin
    Your shots and the Begonia... That little bee thinks so too.. your capture of him is fabulous.. I've been trying to capture butterflies but so far no cigar!!

    Enjoy it all whilst it lasts..... Take care .. ciao xxx Julie

  3. The little bee looks like a cartoon bee. I love the way you managed to get it in the shot.

  4. Great photos! Don't blame you for not pulling them up! I still have several pots of wax begonias that have a few blooms . I will wait til they "fizzle out" then pull them out. I have lots of work to do in the courtyard, but not worrying about it, as it is going to get worse after the temps drop and more leaves fall.
    The rain we had was much needed.
    Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Beautiful images.....seems like spring! I love your Saint Francis statue... I've been on the hunt for one. You reminded me to keep looking : )

  6. Isn't it sweet how some plants just keep going? Your lovely photos are a fitting tribute to them to share with the world. But I don't envy you frost in a few days! We are having sunny and warm weather again, 65 degrees tomorrow. xo – g

  7. Just BEEutiful!

    I have roses going through a fourth bloom this week. Never have before in 19 years.

    Crazy weather everywhere, but it sure makes for lovely photos in November.



  8. Beautiful sad winter is comming now......i really like summer tha most...that colors !!...happy day Ria...

  9. What lovely photos! They are like a breath of warm southerly breezes blowing north to warm our chilly day. It's in the low 30's here and 20's in the country. They are so special because they are our last glimpse of color and I thank you for sharing them with us. I could not have pulled them out either ~ their days are numbered as it is.

  10. It's why I adore begonias and geraniums so much... talk about hearty flowers!

  11. Wonderful, wonderful photos again. Thankyou.

  12. I'm with you. I went out to pull up my annuals but couldn't do it. I'll let mother nature be the bad "guy." She's harsher than I am anyway. By the way, GORGEOUS images! Thanks.

  13. Hi Erin, I would leave them too. My begonias did well also and one was a volunteer. Thanks bunches for visiting me. hugs♥olive

  14. Erin, these colors are like a breath of fresh air in these gray days of autumn, which have given me joy!

  15. I'll bet they wouldn't do so well in Northern Utah at 4000 feet elevation. But I'm glad they are doing well for you so we can enjoy them through your photos.

  16. Erin,
    Gorgeous pics; Love the beautiful mood! I couldn't do it either~

  17. Wow...those plants are amazing...our weather is crazy..they may even hold out a little longer.

    Hugs for a great day. xoxoxo

  18. They really are impressive plants. They do well in any weather but hold up in the heat and draught like you experienced this year. Have you tried the new black jack? of the angel wing begonia's. I planted the black jack at home and they were awesome.

    great photos as always,

  19. Wish my plants were still this happy! Lovely shots as always, Erin. Happy hugs xoxoxo

  20. These are beautiful, Erin. I've not seen them before. Enjoy them as long as you can!!!

  21. They are too beautiful to remove for sure! I love the photo with the red grass with them.
    The ground was froze here this morning but record breaking high temps for the next couple of days.
    Take care,


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