
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

spring forecast

this weeks forecast calls for happiness,
with increasing joy and cheerful colors
as we head into the easter weekend.
days will be filled with fresh growth and renewal

the sounds of birds twittering

cool green grass between my toes
warm sun on my freckles

awakening of bugs and frogs

windows thrown open
cotton curtains blowing in the breeze
kitty cat's sitting behind the screen door
i feel so alive and energized
spring, it seems


my darling family will be together this weekend







  1. There you are! I've been waiting to see. It was worth the wait.

    Have a wonderful Holiday

    xo Suzan

  2. Beautiful Erin and I ended with a huge grin!
    LOVE the little chick at the bottom! Couldn't be cuter.

    Have a wonderful Easter weekend with your family.
    Blessings and light to you!

  3. Gorgeous pictures Erin!

    I saw a couple of Robins chasing each other in my backyard this morning...what a wonderful sight!


  4. Ah your words alone made me sigh. Loooove this time of year. I like you glimpse into your Easter decor. I've slacked so bad... my only Easter decor is a pink hycanith.

    So my heart on my banner... sugar or snow? Ahhh don't hate me, using sugar IS a sweet idea... but it's snow. In Austin, TX that is the most snow I've ever seen here. hehehe

    P.S. you are the best weather forecaster ever, loved it. :)

  5. ohhhhh you just filled my morning brilliantly with color and warmth....thank you for that !

    that first photo is just amazing !

    thank you for your kind words on my blog and if you ever want some writing secrets, let me know...i'll tell you some:)

  6. I agree with Suzan, I've been waiting to see what you post next. Beautiful Spring photos, Erin. Isn't it wonderful how each year we get the reminder of renewal? Blessings and peace to your loved ones this weekend. He is Risen Indeed!


  7. Oh how lucky you are Erin! Winter has once again taken us into it's cold, cold bosom.So our hope and expectations are dashed. We can only believe that the summer will be good!Thanks for the flowers.

  8. hi, i'm in love with your blog...such beautiful peaceful photos, and your paintings are just awesome.

  9. Seems like you are going to have a perfect Easter, with your family.
    I´m glad to read you´re happy.
    Your post made me glad today, and I love your first image of the bottles! Makes me think of summer!

    Have a wonderful Easter and enjoy!


  10. It's still snowing here, so I hope you don't mind if I linger here a while and take in all the beauty! :) Love your forecast!!!

  11. OOOOooohhh, now I'm really feelin' it. Today it was 80 here in Missouri, just wonderful. Love all your photos, and the chicken with the crazy hair is just so cute!
    Have a wonderful Easter!

  12. Love your photos. I made a trip to HD today - lets just say I need a manicure right now, but I had fun playing the in the dirt. :-D
    Aaaaahhhhh! is right, but I will add chooo to that also. :-D All day long, but prefer it to the cold, dreary, gray days of Winter.

  13. Wonderful photos as usual! Onward!

  14. your space here speaks of quiet warmth and special celebration...inside and out!

  15. Lovely images...that first one especially reminds me of home. Happy Easter with your family!!


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