
Thursday, October 8, 2009

hole in one!

my hubby got a hole in one!! look there... in today's paper...

he did it! his second hole in one to date, but this one was at the golf course that we live on...

almost in our backyard!
here's the view from our kitchen window...

see the golf course back there?

there it is, just passed the bird condos...


bird condos, you ask?

yes...bird condos. hey, those fall blooming asters are floppy! i shoulda staked them, but i rarely stake my plants. too lazy i guess. and really, i like the way they have fallen over and framed the condos just right for my picture taking.......... and this post isn't about gardening its about my golfer hubby..........

anyway, i am so proud of you babe (in more ways than i can count)!

way to go!!
so what does he win for getting a hole in one? he gets to "buy a round" of drinks for everyone in the clubhouse! it seems to me it should be the other way around?
isn't that odd? boys.....need i say more.

and if you are I don't golf, but i love to go along just for the ride and to peek into my neighbors backyards. er...... ah...... what i meant to say was i love to go along just for the ride and spend quality time with my hubby. yes...........that is what i meant.

love you, babe


  1. aww, thank you wifie. that was nice of you and thanks for letting me golf so much. love ya. me

  2. Congrats to your husband. I get what you mean about going for the ride so you can look in your neighbors backyards. Shhhh...I won't tell. Thanks for visiting yesterday. Have a good night...

  3. haha Love this Erin!!
    Of course.. just to spend quality time!! hehe

    Well love all your images and can't get over your 'backyard'!!! I'm tripping over post over post lately where everyone's has these glorious open backyards and corn fields and golf courses and sea views.. and here I am looking at the carpark below.. haha... boo hoo

    Well as much as I love all your images.. the faded sepia? ones are the winners for me today.. great shots.. as usual!!

    Have a wonderful weekend spending quality time with your hubby!! [and show us the neighbours yards later!!] xx Julie

  4. oooh
    how remiss!! and congrats to your husband on his hole in one!!


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