
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

bloggy break

hi friends!
well, my main computer has crashed, just as i was getting ready to open my brand new etsy store...."mouse calls" is running diagnostics on it now.   :0(

my dishwasher won't close properly,  most likely due to the extra weight of the slip cover i made for it....yes, i slip covered my can read more about that here (.

and i took a hard fall onto my knees, 2/3 of the way, on a 5 mile hike through the woods....knees and pride, bruised and battered, but nothing serious.

i am also gearing up for my super fun trip to chicago in a couple of days to see my friend, anna.....did i tell you she is throwing a college reunion party?  i have not seen some of those people for over 30 years....i wonder if i can loose 10 lbs. in the next 2 days....hmmmmm.

something tells me that this is the time for a bloggy break.
i hope to be back with you shortly.
hopefully i have not lost all of my photos!
oh boy.
wish me luck with that.
i am worried.

my goal is to open my etsy store on my birthday in early march....
i am so excited to share lots of beautiful art and vintage items with the world!

see you soon,
 my dears.



  1. You will be missed Erin...

    Oh you poor thing, I hope your knees are better soon.. Things usually go wrong in threes.. So I think your done!
    Have a great time on your vacation!
    I will keep you in my thoughts

  2. It hurts when we fall down now doesn't it? We don't bounce right back up like we used to...:D

    Have a safe and glorious trip and you don't need to lose an ounce my dear.

  3. Ouch! Hope your knees feel better soon. I know I don't bounce like I use to. :/
    Sorry to read about your computer and dishwasher. Have a safe and fun filled trip.

  4. Have a lovely trip-no more falls!
    Gorgeous painting of blue jars...

  5. Your life sounds like mine! Glad you didn't hurt anything too serious with your fall. Have fun at the class reunion.
    Can't wait on your etsy shop!

  6. Break on, don't forget about us, you will be missed. We do, however, want to hear all about your adventures when you return. Have fun at the reunion and take care of those purple knees.

  7. Have a wonderful trip and I am so being the first in line when your shop opens!

  8. Oh man... i hope you haven't lost your photos either! Sounds like you hit a rough patch there girl. You're smart to take a break and change direction a little! I'm excited about your Etsy shop... be sure and let us know!


  9. Have a wonderful time in Chicago! I hope the weather stays good. I'm here in KC during a big storm to hit tonight. At least I don't leave until Sunday. But, it's making for limited time with my girls. I guess I'm on a bloggy break myself, I just didn't plan on it. Can't wait to see your etsy store!!!


  10. Dear Erin - sounds like everything hit you at once - hope your reunion with your friends will just be the medicine needed. Looking forward to your return. Take care and have fun - P.S. bet all your classmates would like to take 10 pounds off as well - so just go and enjoy.

  11. Holy cow ... you do need a break. There is something symbolic about falling to your knees ...
    and take all the time you need.

    hugs, blessings, and healing!

  12. Whew... take all the time you need/want. Breath. In the meantime I'll go take a look at older posts I may have missed. I might have to go back pretty far.

  13. Geez, Your day sounds like my day. First off, the chair I am sitting on falls apart, and 2 minutes later, my magnifying studio light, breaks off it's base and crashes onto the table.But my knees are okay, I did THAT last year. I FEEL FOR YOU! If you figure out how to lose 10 lbs in 2 days, let us know! But I spose all the other ladies going to the reunion are trying to figure out the same thing. Have fun!!!


i love hearing from you.