
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

happy december!

 i have been decorating away at my humble abode...

the vintage ornament tree on the screen, is something i put together after being inspired by a similar idea i saw on pinterest....i simply wired old ornies onto a compost sifter screen that i pulled in from the garden...i love the look and it was so easy to do.

here is just a hint of what is going on at my home....
lots of whites and neutrals and a nod towards vintage...with just a touch of blue here and there...

 i snapped this picture of santa, two years ago at the dickens of christmas celebration here in franklin, tn....i am looking forward to this years dickens celebration, as i will be meeting a fellow blogger there....
i made the "believe" sign by twisting some raffia covered wire.
a glorious time of year, indeedy....
as we decorate and prepare our homes 
for celebration
 in honor of Him.

i will be sharing many more images in the next few weeks....
thank you so much for stopping by.


  1. Hi Erin!
    I love your decorations and am eyeing an old sifter from the farm right now...hmmm...lets see if I have time!
    Your home always looks so fresh and serene...and of course, I love that touch of blue! Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos, your art and your home. Enjoy the season! :)

  2. Everything looks so pretty and festive - Thanks for sharing with us.
    Enjoy your day.

  3. 'ornies' is new to me and made my morning. thanks for sharing these glimpses around your lovely home.

    smiles to you.


  4. Dear Erin - your old ornaments are lovely framed. How creative. Looks like you are getting ready - hope you have a wonderful week getting ready for HIM!

  5. erin,
    Everything is so lovely and fresh looking! You have such an eye for decorating using natural items. The ornament tree is beautiful. I had hope to come to a Dickens Christmas this year but have other commitments.

  6. Hello Erin....what a beautiful decoratings !!! from

  7. Beautiful natural decor, Erin. Love the simplicity-so peaceful and pretty. I like the vintage ornament tree you made-isn't Pinterest great for ideas and inspiration!
    Have a great week.

  8. Oh Erin, it is just beautiful! So peaceful and very comforting.. Love the photo of Santa.
    Will you be meetin Jeri Landers there? I hear Jeri and Christie will be there.. I so wish I could join you.
    Have a wonderful time.

  9. I'm loving your sifter frame for your ornament tree and looking forward to seeing the rest of your holiday decor!

    Now that's what I call a Santa! And your wire lettering is a fabulous idea!

  10. Hello there friend,
    I've been so busy this past week that I didn't notice you'd updated! I love the vintage ornament "tree". It's such a cute idea, and you had everything you needed! That's even better. I tried something new that I already had as well. I just posted about it. I figured you've been busy decorating for your client. Can't wait to see more!

  11. Love the wee tree with thread base. Your style is always artistic and much appreciated by me.

  12. Very pretty Erin! As always, everything you do is so simple and yet elegant. Love it all.

  13. Erin! I love all your blues and whites making everything look so crisp and clean, yet vintage. Looking forward to seeing you this weekend! I have been sewing my "Dickens" dress all week... it really looks more like a Civil War dress, but hey , same time period. See you soon!

  14. You're so creative!!! Your ornaments on the screen are adorable, and oh my, that blue bench... it's wonderful. Girl you have the touch!


  15. I so love that little ornament tree! I think maybe I could manage something like that. But D would not appreciate me appropriating his composting screen, haha! And your doily rocks are surely magic stones. First in line if you make more to sell.

    Thanks for celebrating the season so beautifully.


  16. I so love that little ornament tree! I think maybe I could manage something like that. But D would not appreciate me appropriating his composting screen, haha! And your doily rocks are surely magic stones. First in line if you make more to sell.

    Thanks for celebrating the season so beautifully.


  17. ERIN! MERRY CHRISTMAS! I hope you are well my dear and there is that iconic horse painting! Oh how you have created a lovely space here! Many blessings to you and yours! Anita

  18. Your ornie tree speaks to my heart this morning. So serene and beautiful. I always feel rested and inspired after visiting you.

    Thank you for your kind comment on my blog.

    Have a lovely holiday season.

    FlowerLady Lorraine


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