
Monday, December 31, 2012

happy new year!

well, christmas has come and gone and left me fat and happy (just like santa)....   i think i will be eating only water and doubling my power walking all of january, in order to get back to decorations are still up and i may leave some of the twinkle lights up all winter, since i just love their peaceful glow.
i loved having a more simple christmas decorating style this year...less clutter and softer hues...perhaps a precursor to my simpler style for the coming new year....i plan on purging many things (really cool vintage things...look for the opening of my etsy store soon)) and concentrating on my art and photography...

i have not shared this before, but i have struggled this past year....last winter, after suffering a lot of  physical pain and fear from said pain, i was diagnosed with fibromyalgia...getting used to doctors and meds is totally new for me....pain is new too...and i have learned to accept the pain....i have also learned i just can't do it all...imagine that....and i have learned the even harder lesson of admitting that i just can't do it gardens have suffered somewhat (in this perfectionists eyes) and i have decided to cut back on some of  the digging in the dirt...what i really want to do is paint pretty pictures and court my artistic muse....

it has been a year of transition for me.....from gardener to artist. 

the words of one of my high school art teachers echoes in my brain.
"when are you going to get serious about your art?"
me thinks now.

mr. dan and i will be hanging out here tonight, as the forecast is calling for rain and put a damper on our plans for a backyard campfire....i think i'll make my ribs and of course black eyed peas for good luck.

 look at what happened, right outside my studio window on saturday...
gorgeous snow!  i am a huge fan of the white stuff!
it didn't stick, but was beautiful and peaceful to behold.
i am lucky to have such a lovely view.

so, here is to

 transitions and acceptance



and good health

in the NEW YEAR.
thanks so very much for coming by!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

 ~let heaven and nature sing~
 ~let heaven and nature sing~
 ~let heaven
 ~let heaven
and nature
merry christmas!!
love, erin

Sunday, December 16, 2012

we grieve.

 and oh we grieve...
 we ache...
 we fear...
 we doubt...
 we curse...
 we question...
oh, how we question...
in the hazy distance....
there is this flicker.
we KNOW it is there...we don't want to look, but we can't help seems so out of focus right now....
 but it IS there.
 this flicker.
 this light.
 this luminosity.
 this LOVE.
 HIS love.
 HIS big huge LOVE.
and we know it.
and we trust in it.
and we LOVE in it.
and we rest in it.
i pray that we open the church in our hearts,
and grieve and pray and search out the little flicker of light,
 for all the little students and teachers of the world.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

merry, joy, love

 merry, merry, merry
joy, joy, joy
love, love, love