
Saturday, November 17, 2012


plant bulbs now and you may have blooms for christmas.
(i am reposting this, as a reminder to plant now!)

i just potted these sweeties up a week and a half ago!
so much fun to watch grow.

it's refreshing to have something alive and growing in the house.

don't forget the amaryllis too!

have you planted yours yet?
btw...paperwhites are pungent and if you are sensitive like me, you may have to keep your distance when they bloom.
still worth it though, that is if you love little white clusters of sweet dainty flowers.
who doesn't?

i am off to the flea market today, to get away from holiday decorating for a while..........i need the fresh air!


  1. Beautiful! I'm with you, I love the way the look but not so crazy about the smell. We just got back from Park City, UT so I've had my snow fix but I think snow on Christmas should be mandantory!! Have fun at the Market......I spent all my $$$$ in Utah!

  2. They are so lovely..I've never grown them before..the smell would probably bother me but they are so pretty to see.
    Enjoy the Market!

  3. It all looks so wonderful!

    Have a happy 1:st of advent, sweet Erin!


  4. Paperwhites are my favorites! I am so glad you posted these because it reminded me I need to get mine!


  5. Hi Erin.......nice decorating here today ....i love your bulbs !! and that little mittens so sice and cute i love them !!! lovely day Ria....

  6. I love having living things in my home during the winter months too! I think that is why I love the smell of live greens in my house so much! Your bulbs all look so pretty in their glass containers!

    Your photography always inspires me each time I visit!

    Kat :)

  7. LOVE them in the large clear glass jar. have one of those jars of my own and am off to buy some paperwhite bulbs today! Wish me luck and TFS!

  8. I hope you found lots of fun treasures today. I have just the glass jar for paperwhites. I'll have to put that on my list of things to do this week. It's getting longer and longer and longer. . .

  9. So pretty! Love the simplicity of everything. Hope you found some good things at the flea market.

  10. Your photos are spectacular!
    I love paperwhites! Looking forward to watching yours progress!
    Take care Erin!

  11. Love the paperwhites, but can't be around them very long.
    Hope you found some treasures at the flea market. I did not have much luck at the one here.
    Have a great week.

  12. I may need to run out and get some soon!

  13. I'll bet it's going to be bloomin beautiful for the holiday's at your house. Those roots look like tiny worms.

  14. Love the holiday blog look, so very pretty.

    Hope to have time next week to tend to some more holiday stuff...

    I love paper whites but son is so bothered by them I dare not..he is already bothered by the dogs, seems after he left he became allergic...

    I'll just have to enjoy yours. : D



  15. these are such sweet photos! :) i hope you have an amazing time at the flea market. i've always enjoyed going to the flea market. x

  16. GOOD MORNING ERIN! Your white world is so gorgeous....thank you for the lift this morning as I go out in that COLD of Minnesota! BISES, ANita

  17. Oh no I have not planted mine yet!!! And I usually your idea in the big glass container..I have a few of those hanging to find them and head to the garden shop...hugs and thanks for such beautiful images and inspiration again. xoxoxoxo

  18. Oh my I love this post! I love p.whites (not how they smell)..I have them all over the house!! Going to look at more of your blog...lovin it! Chrissy

  19. ERIN! Thank you for your visit today! I saw your comment as I was perusing my blog on my quick lunch break today! OOOOOH, I cannot WAIT TO SEE YOUR TURQUOISE AND WHITE COLLAGE OF GOODIES YOU ARE PREPARING! I so love that color!! Isn't this a FUN time of year? I was off for 5 straight days for Thanksgiving and I created in my workshop and glittered and organized and just had such fun. I am so excited to have met you and YOU ARE A MINNESOTA GIRL! WOOOOOO, I love this place and yes it gets cold, but it is home to me.

    Enjoy every day for it is special and will never have such a dear heart and it shows in your photos and the things you love! Oh, you make me want a white horse!!!!

    Have a lovely evening dear heart. Anita

  20. My goodness, the light in your photos is stunning. Paper whites make my dog sneeze (poor thing) but I usually do an amaryllis or two. I'm always amazed how you can almost see them growing. This year I'm taking your suggestion & pulling out a glass container for them, that's a wonderful look.

    Peaceful day to you.

  21. They look great and when they come into full bloom oh what a wonderful display of white sweet goodness. I get some every year and they will be on my mantle or entry table this year,Kathysue

  22. this looks really interesting , i am not exactlly how to do this kind of thing ,I don't even know if you wrote what it is , I always fly through the pictures . But this is so pretty i would love to make one.

  23. I loved seeing the photos of your paperwhites, Erin! A breath of springtime for the holidays! Gotta love that! :) I think I'm going to try some this year...

    xoxo laurie

  24. I'm so disappointed that I wasn't able to find paperwhites locally. Nex year I'll start looking early. I'd love to have some live flowers during the holiday season!

  25. Oh my goodness, how clever to put them in the big glass jar so they don't tip over! I am soooo doing that!


  26. Your photos are so amazing - makes me want to try forcing some bulbs.

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