
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

dogwood trees a bloomin!

i am still here!
i have been so busy with
 all things spring...
including my gardening biz...
and exercise...
and painting my kitchen trim (3 coats, er)
and my photography...
and my art...
and junking (oh you should see some of my finds...hmmmm, you probably will)
and a glorious trip to fall creek falls, tennessee...right before Easter, where the
 dogwood trees
 were putting on a lacy show... right in front of our cabin...and all through the woods...
and so of course, i had to capture them!
~i have included some shots of my dogwood paintings, that i hung on an old barn behind my son, ian's house~

this was the view from our balcony! dogwood trees in bloom everywhere, right down to the lake!
my girlfriend, jenny said,
 "it's like the there's a bouquet right there in the trees".

and in my own backyard, with the afternoon light coming through the trees,
 the dogwoods
were most

well, i must say that this is quite an exuberant time of year for me...i spend lots of time outside...the mild weather has me jazzed and energetic, sore and exhausted.
i must confess, i was kind of rusty putting together this post and i feel quite behind in blogging...truth be told, the dogwoods were blooming almost a month many flowers are already spent...the trees are completely leafed out and the sweet birds are
"putting their chirp on!"
 (to quote mr. dan). 
 we have many nests of baby birds in the garden, and when the mama bird fly's in to feed the youngins, they chirp like crazy!  it sounds like we live in an it.

thanks so much for hanging with me and my infrequent posts.
i sure do like you.

thanks too, to debra at common ground blog for featuring my easter room on her blog...
so sweet of you.


p.s.  my daughter and son in law will be here tomorrow for a short visit...friday we are going to see van halen (remember them?) at the bridgestone arena...saturday is the franklin main street festival AND the nashville flea market...and sunday is a graduation party for a friends daughter and then the susan tedeschi (love her bluesy voice, so much!) concert at ryman auditorium that night...
told you i have been busy.
fun times!


  1. Erin, each and every shot is pure joy. Have fun and blog when you can, I will always visit. hugs, olive

  2. Love seeing your gorgeous dogwood post, and Erin, your photos are amazing! Funny, we have a dogwood that's "backwards". It leafs out first, then blooms. strange, but still so beautiful! enjoy your warm happy days!!

  3. Van Halen...woo hoo..that will be fun.

    Love the painting Erin...they look great on that fence.

  4. Sounds like an awesome weekend! You'll be ready to crash next week. I love your photos and paintings, the paintings especially. BTW, you know I like you too. ;-)

  5. Enjoy

  6. It seems you have good reasons not to be here!

  7. Sounds like a fun filled weekend ahead - Enjoy. Love those paintings against the weathered wood - So Pretty !!
    I am sure this is a very busy time of the year for you with all the gardening work to be done. I need some of your energy.
    Enjoy your time with your family.

  8. Erin, thanks for sharing the incredilble event. I've never seen so many dogwoods flowering en masse like this.

    The view from the balcony looks magical, so worthy of your paintings with their crimped edges and stamen laden with pollen.


  9. Truly magical! The exact word for the blooming dog trees. Love the paintings you made as well. So very pretty! The weather hasn't been springlike over here, it's more like fall, "aprilse grillen" we call it, hope May will bring better weather.

  10. Your paintings are beautiful and displayed against the rustic and weathered wood they are breathtaking!

    Even if your posts are few and far between, they have so much wonderful "content", they tide us over until the next one. Thanks for sharing!

  11. You painted those! Holy crap they're insane they are so cool! Love the photos of the bust of the lady with the dogwoods blooming in the back too!


  12. Hi Erin,
    Your paintings and photos are "magical". You are so talented! I always enjoy your beautiful posts. :)

  13. Hey Erin - I figured that you must'ave been busy in your studio creating more beautiful paintings. And being surrounded by all of the gorgeousness out your windows....? It certainly doesn't get any better than that! Hugs to you!

    xoxo laurie

  14. ahhhhh your life is good, wallow in it, slurp it up and wrap yourself in the goodness<3


  15. When we lived in Boston, these were by far our favorite trees. They came in PINK!!! Here in Minnesota, we have other lovely specimens, but not this one. Thank you for the treat and ERIN, YOUR PAINTINGS ARE SUBLIME and I love them. You capture the blues against the beauty of nature in such a perfect way!!! Anita

  16. The dogwoods are so beautiful-I love the shot of your own with the statue.

    Enjoy the time with your family.


  17. I still love you too Erin. I know how the season can be overwhelming in a good and bad way. We all struggle with fitting it all in.
    Love that you took the time to show us the beauty that surrounds you!
    Have fun with the kiddos ....and the chirpy kiddos too.


  18. Erin - stumbled onto your lovely blog. Your pics and gardens are beautiful and your paintings are truly dreamy. Sounds like you are busy - so thanks for taking the time to share - I will be back to visit - signed up to follow through email. God Bless You

  19. I love how you have done these. This post is another inspiration to me.

  20. Gorgeous Erin!!! lovely photos and BEAUTIFUL paintings. You are actually making me want to paint!
    Thanks for this. :)

  21. Oo, Oo, Oo! I sure do love seeing your photography, and the Dogwoods are lovely. I'm excited to photograph them here in Seattle. Now, if only I could "paint" them like you do!

  22. Erin, as usual you have the most inspiring and beautiful blog posts. I love your blog! :)

  23. The dogwood forest of blooms are so enchanting. But I love your paintings on the old wood door! Just gorgeous.


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