
Monday, October 26, 2009

my wish for you...

i hope the light shines perfectly on your day!


  1. Love your photos. This is beautiful!

  2. I love Fall and that is one gorgeous photo. I wanted to live in Franklin when we moved to TN five years ago from Houston, but too far from hubby's job. Your home is so pretty and your yard is beautiful! So glad I found your blog!

  3. Erin I have no doubt you are enjoy the last days of the season.....basking in the sunshine. Thank you for showing us your part of the world!

  4. Sitting in the hot tub a few days ago I had a sunlight moment similar to yours. I looked over at the ridge behind our house & saw the most spectacular patch of glowing gold leaves shimmering out from a mass of yellowish brown leaves. Just a few moments later, I looked, and it was gone. All that remained were yellow brown leaves. Now don't get me wrong the yellowish brown were pretty, but the gold- breathtaking. Here's to the moments when the light shines down, and those blessed to dance in its light really shine


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