
Thursday, June 30, 2011

red, white and blue around the house...

i spotted this adorable boat house at a nearby subdivision called "Westhaven". it is always at this time of year (a few days before the fourth of July) that i think i need buntings for my house....but it is too late to order them. er
oh well.......i made due with out buntings and changed up a few things on my porches.
the arch covered in Jessamine leads you to the back door and the cozy covered part of the deck....

the part of the house that i spend most of my time.......a gentle breeze provided by the ceiling fan adds some relief from the heat and gently sways the curtains.....

all spring, i have had the white cotton curtains hanging from clothespins....the old crocheted piece i just added this week.

to the left of the door is an old washbasin that i have turned into a water feature.

you can't see it in the photo but there is a bubbler and tiny goldfish swimming inside....the sound of the water is so relaxing to me....

above is one of my favorite wreaths......made by a lady i found at the flea market years ago.....simple wire and fragile twigs.

to the right is a piece of porch ceiling from an old farmhouse....the perfect shades of blue.

one of my handmade angels holds a flag.

i have hung some old garden fencing from a rake head....i have a thing for delicate old wire fencing...

my Adirondack chairs will soon be painted white.......until then i spiffed them up with some new cushions.

old doors lean behind the old frame that i painted blue is hung there........above, is the "love spoken here" signage that i created this week, out of wire (inspired by something i saw on the Internet) i just love how it turned took a few tries, but was really not that hard to make.

my blue hummingbird feeder is just for show, as it has a terrible drip.

i love how the crochet piece catches the late afternoon rays....

and casts pretty shadows.

my dollar chair has a new coat of paint and holds my chalk ware kitty.

patriotic flags are a must for the fourth of July!

especially on the front porch.

and i just had to show you this gorgeous barn off of nearby, Franklin road, sporting its flag. you can't get more


than that.


wewe plan on spending time on the back porch this holiday weekend....and i'll most likely start some new projects (i just found a store here in Franklin that carries Annie Sloan's Chalk paint, so of course i had to buy some...can't wait to try it out on my dining room table) and i have some paintings that are beckoning me into the studio......and there is always puttering in my gardens......oh yes, the Art Crawl is this weekend and a cookie exchange with fireworks at church....and, and, and.......




i am joining debra at common ground for

vintage inspiration friday.....come to the party y'all.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

summer is here!

"and the time is right for dancing in the street"........remember that song by the Mama's and the pPapa's?? i've been singing that the past few days and i'd love to share it with you on my "play list" today...except that i don't have a "Playlist" any longer due to the fact that, for some reason, unbeknownst to me, there seems to be ads for "Lowe's" embedded in between the songs? and i am NOT advertising for anyone here on my Bye Bye "Playlist" was fun while it lasted and i will miss choosing my music..cuz, i do LOVE the tunage.....waaaaaa.

anyhoo........summer is here......and it is HOT......

and i need some color in my life....

some cool and still,

blues and greens please......

in my art......hope you like my newest painting hanging over the couch in my den......of a sweet ethereal horsey.......inspired by my sparkly waters photo, up there in my side bar.
in my decor........i am still in love with the fabric i chose for these curtains in my kitchen..,

in my napkins.......cloth and paper (yes, i use paper)

in my view out the back picture window.......

and over the back door.

in my art book filled with sweet Georgia's inspiration.

in my flip flops stored in old stacking milk crates.......when i was growing up, we called flip flops "thongs"......i don't hear that any more?

in my little terrarium....where the sweetest, tiniest fern has been growing for two years now...with little care from me... i have only watered it a hand full of times.

in my new/old vintage , softest blue, bedspread on the back of the couch, that i paid $1 for......

sometime soon, i will share my secret for getting the stains out of old fabrics.....if you could have seen this blankie before i treated it, well you would NOT have paid even the one dollar for it.

in this beautifully blued Haeger pottery , that i found at the Nashville flea yesterday, that sure thrills me.

in the blues of the Ball jars... still pleasing to the eye........even if i see them everywhere right now.

ah yes, and in the blues and greens of my paintings.......

i can get lost in those cool liquid hues.....and i do.

while i am dreaming of them,

getting to know them,

blending them,

mixing them,

and letting them flow...

like water.

happy summery blues to you my sweets.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


i spent a glorious day with my dear friend.....

she is beautiful.....

inside and out.

i am so very lucky to have her in my life.

until next time.......sweety.


Monday, June 13, 2011

happy anniversary baby!

that's right 30 years!

and he still buys me flowers....

i think i'll keep him.






once again i am joining kim klassen for texture tuesday

thanks kim.

and you can follow me on pinterest now. it's official, i am addicted to's a fantastic place to keep inspiring images on your very own pinboards..... it's super easy to do and you can browse other peoples pin boards for more ideas and inspiration. i have tried to keep my own files of inspiration, but this is a much better way to stay organized and the "pinning" is lots of fun.

try it.

o.k. i am off to give my sweet hubby lots of kisses. i love that man.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

french candle holders as tomato stakes...

sure ...why not?

recently, i purchased two french candle holders. have you noticed that most antique dealers are saying their items are french now? anyway, that is what i was told (that they are french).......i like them even if they are not french. they are really tall. on five foot rods and have rusty goodness. i took them for a walk inside the house and for the life of me, could not find a place to stick them?
i used to live out in the country (in leipers fork...isn't that a funny name?)......i used to have a really big veggie garden and at one time had 36 tomato plants. that's a lot of maters! if there was even the slightest blemish on a tomato, i would just throw it into the field.

when we moved to this house (ten years ago), on the golf course, i started with a pretty big veggie garden. i also started a gardening business. which kind took some of the fun out of doing my own gardens, after all it can be physically draining. we also have deer marauding the gardens here.

i have a LOVE/HATE relationship with the deer.

gee...this tomato looks like she needs to shave her legs.

after fighting with the deer for years and schlepping the hose over to the veggie garden at the back of the yard.......i have given up. the deer won.

i now have tomatoes,

in pots,

on my deck,

clinging to fancy french candle holders.

ooh la la

Monday, June 6, 2011


images of the dainty "snow in summer" growing in front of my house.....

combined with textures from kim klassen

for texture tuesday......

the words,

inspired by john lennon.

i attended one of his art shows last month in downtown franklin.......

and was reminded of his

peace loving,

gentle self.

john would be turning 71 this year......

if only.


Friday, June 3, 2011

i've got the blues......

i'm not quite ready

to let go

of the


every other photo was taken right here at home, in tennessee.

the colors, inspired by my love for the water......