
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Mrs. Kravitz window...

it was 65 degrees out yesterday! snow gone and a spring in every ones step round here. i even saw a couple golfers go by, wearing shorts. woot. woot.

amazing how spring-like weather energizes me! i spent a good part of the day deep cleaning my kitchen and it felt soooo good. my kitchen windows are at the front of the house.......

and look out towards the street and my neighbors. my friend Jane, calls this my "Mrs. Kravitz window". if you are old enough to remember Bewitched, then you know what i refer to.

i can also see some of my front gardens and this collection of cement shrooms......

and this bird-feeder hanging from the front porch. every time i tried to take the sweet little birdies picture, they flew bye-bye.
bye-bye birdie.

most of my house is very neutral with whites, beige's and greys........

but i love having some cheerful and bright, blues and greens in my kitchen. the morning light streaming through is refreshing.

i made these curtains last year. a spider on fabric isn't for everybody.......but, apparently it's for me.

just doing a deep cleaning can make everything seem so fresh and new and smell soooo good! without spending a dime.

eegads! she has a black fridge!
why, yes, i do. the horror.
i got up there and cleaned the top of IT too.

i was so lucky to find this aqua green drying rack for $3.

call me crazy.........but, i bought a whole set of 6 vintage glasses, just to get this ONE Lilly of Valley odd man out. Lilly of Valley is one of my fave flowers and fragrance. love it!

the very last of the garlic from my garden.

look who else likes to bird watch out the "Mrs. Kravitz window". how could i be mad at sweet Little Miss Daisy?
i sure hope you find a spring in your step this week?
she said with a Wisconsin accent.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

tiffany blue winter...

our winter wonderland continues, with our fourth round of snow.
very unusual for the south.
and yes, i am still lovin it.

recently, i received the "stylish blogger award" from two of my followers.
she was the soul inspiration for this Tiffany blue post, as she is a lover of all things turquoise and her gorgeous blog is a constant source of eye candy and wondrous words!!
you MUST stop by her delicious slice of bloggy and feel the LOVE and PASSION that resides there. you will not be disappointed. i promise.
i am just getting to know Laurie the very first post i ever read of hers was a beautiful prayer for her friend Debbie, who is struggling with cancer right now. i was so struck by her caring and loving words, that i knew i had stumbled across a rare and compassionate soul. someone i really want to get to know.
thank you so much ladies for this award!
o.k...... list 7 interesting things about myself.....
eek, i'll try....
1. i am a visual person. that's obvious, i think, at least i hope. but...... i have trouble with WORDS. trouble coming up with them, writing them, speaking them and recalling them. i often worry whether i have used the right words. i am working on this. i am a work in progress.
2. my kindergarten teacher told my mother that i was an artist. i was an art major in college with an emphasis on jewelry making. i started painting just a few years ago and i have a lot to learn. i have dabbled, like so many artists, to find the right medium. i absolutely am in love with digital photography!
3. my hubby and i met while life guarding together one summer. he stole me away from my high school sweetheart, who i was engaged to. that was an interesting summer. mr. Dan and i will be celebrating our 30th anniversary this year. he does ALL the cooking...i think i'll keep him.
4. being a stay at home mommy was by far, my best job EVER! my kids are the BEST!
5. i can sing. i was in "glee club" in high school (also, a "cheerio"). my girlfriend and i sang at a few weddings and in the talent show, but i got away from it after i graduated. i sang once in public since, at a big resort in Mexico. i received a standing ovation and people the next day came up to me to tell me how good i was! that was a great time! i miss singing.
6. mr. Dan and i like to use silly accents when we talk and occasionally get into character, borrowing from skits seen on Saturday Night Live, Mad t.v., Monty Python, Austin Powers (you get the picture).........sometimes we will go for days doing this. don't tell any of his golfing buddies about this! ha.
7. and number seven.........i absolutely love, love, LOVE putting together these posts!! i look at them as really FUN art projects. taking the photos and playing with them has become my new PASSION. meeting all of you has been the icing on the cake, for sure......
but, the whole idea of reciprocating comments has me feeling extreme pressure and i am at a loss for words most times (see #1!!) i struggle with this daily and have been having feelings of guilt (guilt feelings is a whole other story, something i have felt my whole life) . so, now you know, what i am struggling with and please bear with me if i don't get back to you in WORDS.........i'd paint you a picture if i could.
so, i will continue to put together some pretty things to look at, hopefully in an up-lifting way and i'll try using some WORDS too. just keep in mind, i'll probably be using a silly accent whilst doing so........
now, i am supposed to pass this award on to 15 other bloggers, but you ALL deserve it! i could never choose. so, please feel free to tell us 7 things about yourself, or 6 or 5.........or whatever you choose. it's kinda fun.
thanks again Anita and Laurie!
big hugs and kisses to you ANITA for the tiffany blue inspiration!

Monday, January 24, 2011

tree shadows...

"when words become unclear,
i shall focus with photographs.
when images become inadequate,
i shall be content with silence."
~ ansel adams

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

charming gardeners...

our snow has melted and the rain has settled in.
i gathered dogwood and forsythia branches from the garden, for forcing.
of course, little miss daisy had to join in on the fun.
hopefully, in a few weeks, the bud-laden branches will open and spring like blossoms will fill the room.

and if not, i still love the bare branches for their natural architectural beauty.

let us be grateful
to people who make
us happy; they are
the charming
who make our souls blossom.
~marcel proust
thank you so VERY much for visiting my little bloggy!
you take time out of your busy lives, to come here and visit,
and you leave me the nicest, most sweetest comments!
i am constantly touched by your positivity and love......
YOU are MY

Thursday, January 13, 2011

drive through the country...

day four.
snowfest 2011 continues...
as the kids of all ages, continue to sled down the hill, til ALL hours of the day and night......

mr. dan and i took a drive down our favorite country roads..... i thought you might enjoy seeing the beauty that lies less than two miles from my home.
Old Natchez trace and Moran Road are just right around the corner from my neighborhood.

the scenic Harpeth River borders on one side...
be still my heart! check out those amazing reflections on this peaceful day. aaahhhh....

there are old plantations mixed in with newer horse ranches on the other side.
Jimmy Buffet used to live in this home, now occupied by Kim Karnes (think "Betty Davis Eyes" fame). can't you just picture a young lady in a hoop skirt and parasol walking in this yard years ago?

an all white farm house surrounded by all white snow is just MAGIC to my eyes.

turning down Moran Road, open acreage is framed and divided by gorgeous farm fences and what we call "slave walls". rock walls created by slaves back in the day.

this was Alan Jackson's home that he recently sold for 23 million. ahem. i'll take two please.
i hope you enjoyed my little drive in the country.
mr. sunshine is all glowy today, but it is still freezing. i know many of you are ready for the snow to go away....
especially mommies of house bound kiddos? mr. dan and i are getting a little bit tired of the constant traffic on our street and through our yard and gardens. our mailbox was even hit by the sheriff's car. the sledders and partiers cut through our yard to access the hill. the constant sound of fourwheelers hauling sledders to the top (till all hours) is becoming old. not to mention the debris left behind by some not-so-considerate partiers (broken sleds and rafts, empty cans and a wine bottle). don't get me wrong...I LOVE SNOW!
but our SNOWFEST
is becoming more of a SNOWTEST.
perhaps i need to take another drive...