
Saturday, October 30, 2010

happy halloween!

please be careful out there.......

and don't loose your heads!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


the early morning light in the trees makes the golden leaves glitter
and the birds
start their happy song........

i do love to decorate au natural,
using bits of found objects.
but, i also love crafted items and these cute chenille punkins found at the flea market
just make me smile..........

are you ready for
i want to give a big
thank you to
for featuring a couple of my recent photos.
she is a sweety!
she has an absolutely darling blog,
filled with cheerful imagery
and positive, uplifting messages.
you inspire me, koralee!
thank you!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


autumn is fleeting.
i savor my playtime outdoors.

with camera in hand.
i squirrel away my time.
brush to canvas will have to wait for winters cold.

for now...

i drink in these gentle days.......

with an
oh, so
grateful heart.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

seeing red...

i am exploring the color
prompted by Chania at Razmataz blog found HERE.
for me......
a little bit of red......
goes a really long way.
i am more of a blue person.
always have been.
actually, i love all colors. never met one i didn't like.
i just prefer blue.
this time of year, well the red maples are doing their thing.
putting on their magic show.

i just love how autumn leaves look when they are falling peacefully to the ground.
i wanted to capture that moment and bring it inside.
i simply pinned these fresh fallen ruby's to my curtains using tiny clothespins.

i captured
a moment
one day after taking these pictures,
the little leaves were curled up and dry
and my kitties had a field day pulling them down and wrestling with them...
what a mess.
still love the kitties.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

horsing around...

the weather has been just gorgeous.
i have spent some time on my favorite nearby road,
bordered by the Harpeth River on one side and farms on the other....
and just
horsing around with my photos + textures.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

beautiful words...

ahhh WORDS...
they don't come easy for me.
never have.

i am often at a loss for

i express myself VISUALLY.

one year ago,
i purchased my first digital slr camera.

i still have so much to LEARN...

but that's really the best part!
the potential for learning and growing and creating
endless and inspiring!

i will never be
a good writer
even a good talker.

i do love taking pictures.
i love sharing them with you.

i do love reading other people's

i came across some

"the season's changing"
that i'd like to share with you...

you can find these beautiful words over at
e.charlottes blog,
life among mountains

please pop over there and show her some
won't you.

have a wonderful weekend and take the time to get outside and play.

Friday, October 8, 2010

porch party...

when i heard that Debra over at Common Ground bloggy
was having a
well, i just KNEW it was what i needed to help me get out of this post vacation blues fest of mine.
i have been in such a funk since returning from the beach...
returning to an EXTREME drought...
preceded by EXTREME high temps this summer...
preceded by EXTREME flooding this spring...
preceded by EXTREME cold this winter...
well, this gardener...
she needs to

you may have seen this shot before........
i love to decorate with things that i have and with a nod toward NATURAL materials.
my front door with
a garland made with gourds from the garden
and my fave corn husk wreath.
old watering cans hold black eyed susan seed heads.

i use this old wire display unit to hold seasonal chotchkes.

i painted the BOO sign
and the white gourds.
the gourds last forever you know...

i topped this big urn with some indian corn that i have kept for years.
i hang it on a nail in the attic to keep it away from critters.

come on in!
i have just revamped the entry for the party.

i rearrange things and switch out my paintings frequently (to say the least).
yesterday, i decided to paint some old chippy frames white
and then float some of my watercolor paintings inside them.

the inspiration for this painting came from an image i saw in an old Country Home Magazine (i so miss Country Home!)
oh and, the big heavy frame...well, it hurts when dropped on ones bare foot.

i hung the frames on nails and used "HandiTak" to hang the paintings right on the wall.
it's kinda like roll little pieces of it to soften and then slip behind the corners.
it's great to use behind frames keep them from slipping.

gratuitous shadow shot.

this cabinet was actually a new kitchen cabinet (bound for the dump) that i distressed and added bead board to top and fence post finials as feet.

unable to find another wreath like the one on my front door... i recently made this one using some instructions from Martha Stewart found HERE.

i am so glad you stopped by!
thank you Debra, this party is just what i needed.
there is nothing like being creative, to make me feel all chirpy again.
and to see more of my front porch go HERE.