
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

coming out of the closet

take a gander inside my closet.

i'm not much of a clothes horse.

i'm a casual kinda girl.

but i love nice things.

actually, i have two wardrobes.

one for gardening.


one for play and more dress up times.

i love to collect beautiful wear ables in shades of white and cream.

yummy soft sweaters.

intricate crochet and textured tops.


what a delightful old fashioned word.

it means


or whatsis,

or whatchamacallits.

funny how my clothing palette

is the same as the palette i use in

my home.

shades of blues and whites.

i love my well worn Justin boots.

they feel like old friends for my feet.

comfy with or without socks.

isn't this the cutest hand crocheted shawl

with a darling ruffled edge?

sky blue camisole next to some sparkly vintage jewelry in a ceramic flower.

i love wearing blue blouses.

hubby says, it brings out the blue in my eyes.

soft washed linen and cotton

seldom pressed

if ever.
i have better things to do than iron clothes.

my fun crocheted fisherman net scarf over a polka dot blouse.

simple details of tucking

all in a row.

classic design.

fun knotted buttons

sweet tiny turquoise beads

draws my attention.

white cotton blouses

with great textures.

get me going and make me feel so comfy.

a delicate blouse that i treasure.

i can't help but feel special wearing this airy number.

yes, light as air.

glittered with tiny glass beads

and embroidery.

my grandmothers mohair sweater topped with a sweet lavender sachet.

i out grew this sweater long ago but hang on to it for it's beauty and nostalgia.

like i said...i'm not a clothes horse and don't shop for clothes very often. i rarely shop at the mall. i prefer out of the way places. i love to find treasured blouses to wear with jeans or Capri's...and i hang on to these items for a long time. i'm not into labels or designers. i advertise for no one. but i recognize fine natural material, good craftsmanship and quality design.







the closet.

my whole point of this post is to let you know...


i shop


that's right...... every single piece of clothing in the above images

i bought at GOODWILL.

(oh, except my grandmothers sweater, it's just so pretty i had to share it)

and all of those blouses and sweaters...

well, they cost $4.29. each.

the lovely white shawl...$2.99.

ceramic white rose...99 cents.

go ahead and go back and look at all those pretty's hard to believe.

now, i don't shop there all the time, oh maybe two or three times a year.

always, when my girlfriend visits me from's on our agenda.

we call it "OLD MILL" for code.

i am proud to shop there and will share this source when asked. believe me, some people are rather appalled or somewhat surprised.

sometimes i might not find anything.
sometimes i find treasures.
for me, it's easy shopping. all items are sorted by i go right over to the white section and then the blues. no need to try things on...hey, at $4.29 an item if it doesn't fit you bring it back. not for your money back, but as a donation. recycled, again.

it makes me feel good to shop at this thrift store.

it's just one of the small things i do to make a difference. small things add up!

recycling clothes is a really good thing.

it's good for the environment.

it's good for the pocket book.

it creates good jobs for people.

it creates


goodwill's mission...
"help people in need reach their full potential through the power of work."

hubby was inspired to clear out a few things from his closet.

which we will send to the GOODWILL.

funny...when i looked surprised at his large stack of blue jeans, he said, "well, i thought you were going to make a quilt out of the denim?"

i replied, "that was like 15 years ago!"

he said, "well, you told me to save the jeans."

yes. but i told him about 10 years ago "that quilt wasn't going to happen."

kudos to hubby for KINDA listening.

o.k one more shot of this lovely handmade shawl.

i will proudly honor the person who made this, by curling up with it while i watch t.v.

hubby likes the room a little on the cool side for me.


please join sweet Suzan at


to read how other bloggers are trying to



or small

it makes a difference

b.t.w...i did not find my beloved Justin boots at GOODWILL.

but they ARE used and only cost $58! whoo hoo.

Friday, June 25, 2010

creating change.

heard about this?
Project Genesis
"creating change."

this is cool...

i will be participating in this project on July 1.

check back
please join my friend Z
blog party
really matters.

have a good weekend...
and i'll see you on the first.

Monday, June 21, 2010

sweet, sweet peas

i love sweet peas.
these are the perennial variety.
they don't mind the oppressive heat at all.
not like i mind.
gotta love em for that.

and for their delicate beauty and amazing tendrils.

the heat
unlike these perky little sweet peas,
the gardener
i started a painting over the's nothing at all like i envisioned. funny how the colors have a life of their own and they take me to a new place.........
i want you all to know, how tickled i am, that you take time out of your lives, to stop by my little blog!!
i love you guys.
i do. i do.
at times, it becomes difficult to balance my gardening biz, my art, my blog, my photography and my personal life...
BALANCE is indeed the key.
is everything.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

inside time

it's hot.
oppressively so.
i'm an outside girl.
but right now
it's a relief
to be
gardens planted.
lots of hard work and sweat behind me.
gears changing.
time to cool off.
slow down.
come inside.
time for art.

and there is art on the way.
my art.
inspiration is everywhere just now.
i can feel's inside me.
i can't help myself's in there.
i must let it out.
let go of the fear.
be confident.
trust what is inside.

i'm beyond excited. i'm ready.
i'll be spending time inside my
studio..........with tunes and cats and wine.
i hope to see you
can i get some attention please!
yes, daisy.
what is it sweety?
when is the oil spill going to be fixed?
don't know
little one...
don't know.