
Thursday, January 28, 2010

daisy, daisy...

thanks for all the suggestions...we have named her


and just for fun, i have lifted some images from the net (which is the very first time i've done this...i am proud to say...cause i want this blog to be about my images).

please enjoy some pictures which remind me of daisy...

eeww! sorry, don't know if he's black or white?!

o.k. that is out of my system...

i promise not to share tons of cute pictures of this little sweety.

if i can help it.

after all this is an

art and garden

type of blog!

if i can help it...that is...she's so delicious.
thanks for the inspiration anna and mr. lee!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

new kitty!

our new little bundle of pure, soft goodness is here!

we are falling in love.........

she is adorable,


please help us name her.

we have come up with...

oreo (already had a cat named this)

eartha kit kat (for obvious reasons)

and many cute names for boy kitty's like...



and jack sparrow...

we are leaning towards

DAISY (for the bovine similarities and my love of flowers).

what do you think?

the big guy's name is
kit-ten (pronounced with the emphasis on ten).
ya...real original, i know.
it has been confusing, not having a name for the little bit and referring to her by "kitten" and calling the old guy "kitten" too!

we are all learning to get a long here!
please help us with suggestions!
thank you!
now, i am off to get some things done before she wakes from her snuggly cat nap.........
it's lovely having a little baby in the house.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


what an incredible night of, and i can't believe i am going to say this, TELEVISION!

last night's "hope for Haiti" program was fantastic. way to go george clooney!

a wonderful assortment of talented singers and amazing choice of heartfelt, heart wrenching songs!

No commercials!

and all for a very good cause...

perhaps we have learned from our mistakes after Katrina devoured my beloved new orleans and all HOPE seemed to be lost.

as our world continues to become smaller and smaller.

we can not deny we are all one.

in this together.

and we must have HOPE.

like the little daffodils emerging in my garden through all sorts of obstacles,

we reach.

we struggle.

we support.

we HOPE.

and i am hopeful.

and as conan o'brien said his last goodbye, i was so impressed with his positive, graceful words...

"please don't be cynical."

"if you work really hard and you are


amazing things will happen."

and for your viewing pleasure, i present my latest painting...

"breaking free"

like the little birdie,

i am thinking outside the box.



Thursday, January 21, 2010

snow birds

thought i'd show you some of the art i've been working on this past, totally fun, inspired week...

the trio of "snow birds" is my first attempt at using palette knives instead of brushes. a really fun way to apply paint to the canvas! the other paintings are past works which i've hung gallery style inspired by a cool chick, chrisy and this post...

i started a painting class last week too and the painting i'm working on for the class (which has consumed me, in a good way) will be posted about soon...

i am so excited about this class and the potential art,

but more than that,

i am excited about the potential friendships with the ladies in the class and what we can bring to each other.........

p.s. i find photographing my paintings and interiors, glare etc. are a challenge and the true colors just aren't there...

more learning to do...

i miss being in the garden this time of year.

different seasons,

for different passions.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

hermit down...

our sugary white winter snuggli has come and gone...

so beautiful while it lasted.

mind you, it is still cold...

the garden frozen,

ice on the pond.

a great excuse to hermit down in my studio.

wearing yesterday's make up and

an old sweatshirt,

canvases and paint tubes scattered,

rhythm of the music flowing through me,

glass of wine delivered by my hubby,

no sense of time...

i may be incommunicado for a while...

this is what i've been preparing for.......

Sunday, January 10, 2010

treasures found...

during a long, frigid walk with my love...

snow gently falling...

i gathered treasures for our dining room table...

a beautiful mossy-lichen covered branch,

dried weeds,

and branches with simple, gorgeous silhouettes...

thank you mother nature.

thank you very much.